
STM32 Neptune F103C8T6 Wireless Servo Controller

Neptune Board: A compact STM32 F103C8T6-based 16-channel servo motor controller with Bluetooth connectivity for servo motor control

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After mastering Arduino programming, many enthusiasts explore advanced embedded systems using bare-metal C. Working with microcontroller registers offers a fun challenge and valuable learning. The STM32 F103C8T6 (Blue Pill) is a popular choice due to its small size and advanced features, ideal for experimenting with peripherals and learning register-level programming but nothing more than that.
Neptune is an STM32 F103C8T6-based development board designed to control up to 16 servo motors. It includes an I2C-operated 16-channel PWM controller for servo control and a slot for the HC-05 Bluetooth module for wireless operation.
Compared to the standard Blue Pill, Neptune adds female GPIO sockets, a built-in PWM controller chip, a separate servo power supply, and onboard Bluetooth connectivity. These features expand its functionality, enabling I2C and UART communication without extra hardware. Neptune is a versatile solution for wireless servo control, ideal for applications like robotics

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