# Programmer for the ATTiny2/4/8 series.
This is a programmer that uses the Arduino as ISP to program the ATTinies. There are headers for both the '5s and the '4s.
### TOC
- [TOC](#toc)
- [How to use it](#how-to-use-it)
- [Parts Required](#parts-required)
- [The LED?](#the-led)
1. Plug your Arduino Nano into the Nano pin headers. The USB port is indicated by a smiley face lol.
2. Program your Arduino Nano with the ArduinoISP sketch.
3. Plug your ATTiny into the ATTiny pin headers.
4. Connect the Nano to your computer.
5. Open the Arduino IDE and select the correct board and programmer.
6. Upload your sketch.
Uh. yea. if you cant tell, I'm using Copilot here.