This Lumin Lamp is using a simple Joule Thief Circuit, the purpose of building this lamp started when I needed to test different coils efficiency and testing the fields coming out of them. It also evolved now so it can also be used as a night lamp. The main feature of this night lamp is the ability to swap bifilar coils for testing and experimenting. Great little tool for experimenting and also for using as a night lamp. The lamp can run on a 9v battery or from a 5v power wall adapter. There is a buck boost converter that will increase 5v to 12v if the power is coming from the wall to ensure that the light is bright enough. Alternatively, if you choose to use a 9v battery, disconnect the wire coming from the Buck Boost adapter going into the input side just for saftey. There are several parts to purchase, print and source, so if you do not have all the gear available but you would still like to own one, my friend Ben at Beneficience TV is currently in the process of building them so keep an eye out on his store if you want to purchase one in the future:
Have fun, Enjoy the Lumin Lamp!