
LuminX Lamp

A retro style night lamp that has swappable coils for experimenting or simply used as a night lamp

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A retro night lamp that can be used for either as a bedside lamp or for experimenting coils and testing fields and power consumptions. It can be used as a learning and testing tool. It has the ability to swap coils, between the fusion coil 4.5 ohm resistance and the Caduceus coil around 6 ohm resistance. Current draw to turn on 5 watt lamp is 100ma at 8vdc minimum. A wide range of wiring possibilities can be used to test power efficiencies with this simple lamp.
The lamp can run from a 9v DC battery or from a 5v power wall adapter. A video has been created to show how to assemble the Lumin lamp at:

This Lumin Lamp is using a simple Joule Thief Circuit, the purpose of building this lamp started when I needed to test different coils efficiency and testing the fields coming out of them. It also evolved now so it can also be used as a night lamp. The main feature of this night lamp is the ability to swap bifilar coils for testing and experimenting. Great little tool for experimenting and also for using as a night lamp. The lamp can run on a 9v battery or from a 5v power wall adapter. There is a buck boost converter that will increase 5v to 12v if the power is coming from the wall to ensure that the light is bright enough. Alternatively, if you choose to use a 9v battery, disconnect the wire coming from the Buck Boost adapter going into the input side just for saftey. There are several parts to purchase, print and source, so if you do not have all the gear available but you would still like to own one, my friend Ben at Beneficience TV is currently in the process of building them so keep an eye out on his store if you want to purchase one in the future:
Have fun, Enjoy the Lumin Lamp!




Adobe Portable Document Format - 35.84 kB - 02/01/2025 at 17:41



This is an optional part, It is a prototyping board extension, under the base of the Lumin Lamp so you can fit a 12 way terminal block and swap wires easily around

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Lumin Lamp Base Modified to fit a ceramic E27 Base fitting compatible with US E26 light blubs

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Lumin Lamp Base for fitting Byonnet light blubs.

3mf - 34.25 kB - 01/30/2025 at 13:39


Lumin_Lamp v23.f3d

Master File Fusion 360 Containing the whole lamp and frame

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View all 11 files

  • 1 × 5mm White Diffused LED Diode
  • 1 × 3 Pin SPDT ON-OFF-ON Mini Miniature Toggle Switch MTS103 Latched Centre: OFF Rated Voltage: 3A @ 250VAC / 6A @ 125VAC Mounting Hole: 6mm (1/4 Inch)
  • 1 × Female micro USB to DIP 2.54mm PCB breakout boards To connect 5v power adapter
  • 1 × Micro USB Cable Charger Lead 2m
  • 1 × Mini DC DC 3V-15V To 12V Automatic Buck Boost Module Converter This is needed to boost 5v wall adapter to 12vdc at 600ma

View all 23 components

  • 1
    Go to your main PCB manufacturer and print out the PCB gerber files that are attached to this project.

    Attached in the file section, you will find the Gerber File required to manufacture the PCB.

  • 2
    Assemble your night lamp

    Print out all the 3d files, some of them you will need to print a few of them for instance the feet of the night lamp, there are 5. The spacers for holding the ceramic base there are 2. Optional to print is the cover that go over the components to protect them.

  • 3
    Build your coil

    You'll need to print out your coil frame and wind your coil. There is one tutorial on Youtube for the time being that has been uploaded to show how to wind the coil.

    The coil will be wound as a bi-filar, so 2 wires, once you have wound your coil, just connect them to the PCB 2 pin screw termnials. Wire 1 is called "Channel A" and Wire 2 is called "Channel B" on the PCB markings.

View all 3 instructions

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