Testing the first board
a day ago • 0 commentsTesting the board went well so far.
- 3.3V switcher is working and stable at 3.259 V.
- Power switch is working. 0V went the jumper is open.
- Got USB connection on the 2nd try. Issue was the standard USB-C issue: I did not notice that I used a power only cable because of no markings on the cable. With a good USB-C data cable I got immideate connection to my M.2 RP2040 board. It showed up as the regular RP2 device and I could program my test FW without issues.
- LEDs are working.
- 1.8 V regulator is not populated yet.
- And we can play the usual game of rev1 to find the uups in the silkscreen. This time it is 2 of them.