
WallY, completely automatic wall garden

A self-sustaining ecosystem build to solve the problem of growing vegetebals in a flat or in an
unsuitable medium

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Our project is to create a self-sustaining ecosystem build on a wall for small living area, you can find a picture of what the project is going to look like

We are a group of 3 student from an engineer school named ESME Sudria. Within the framework of the International track we are following, we were asked to come up with an idea of project that could fulfil the Sustainable development goals (SDG). That’s how we thought of WallY, a self-sustainable wall garden that is linked to Innovation SDG.


This is the design of the structure we are going to built for our project. The idea is to cut this in pieces of wood to make it cheaper than a 3D printing.

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 38.48 kB - 04/07/2017 at 07:53


  • 1 × Arduino Leonardo
  • 3 × Ruban LED
  • 1 × DHT22
  • 1 × Stepper motor

  • To be continued

    Alizée Boussac06/01/2017 at 07:17 0 comments

    With our precedent failure we didn't had the time to fix it. We just made evrything fit in the box. It work, it really does but not the way we wanted it to be. It's up to anyone who has seen our project to make it better.

  • The cicuit

    Alizée Boussac06/01/2017 at 07:15 0 comments

    We had an all session were we tried to make the cicuit with the led work the way it was supposed to be. The only thing we achieve to do was to break my computer ... The only way to have something valable was to let it be the way we did it the first time. Even if we lose energy which is very weird.

  • The led 2

    Alizée Boussac06/01/2017 at 07:12 0 comments

    we had our led that were connected to one another. But we had to make sure of were exactly to put them in the box. We did some mesure and we putted them like this :

    We used some ducktape on the side because we had wrong connexions

  • The led

    Alizée Boussac06/01/2017 at 07:09 0 comments

    Because we have 3 led, we connected them together with weld. Than we used so kind of glue that is supposed to make it waterproof. It didn't work very well, because it's hard to put.

  • Box 2

    Alizée Boussac06/01/2017 at 07:05 0 comments

    That it ! The box is now finished. We made a circuit with led. To see if they were working and they are. We tried to make it work with the humidity sensor, but it's how we were stuck. We have a major problem of voltage that is always there even if in the code we said to the led to shut down.

  • The box

    Alizée Boussac06/01/2017 at 06:59 0 comments

    So we decided that we were going to make the box. Thanks to the 3D design we know the dimension we wanted to use.

    However we had to make it at of wood board. We actually are kind of new in the maker lab departement that's why we got a little help.

    So the box is 50cm of lenght, 30 cm of height and 25 of depth. We didn't make the partition wet because we didn't know exactly where to put it.

  • Testing time

    Alizée Boussac06/01/2017 at 01:13 0 comments

    Today we tried to make some of the components work together. There was the step motor that we made turn on one direction when the DHT sensor was above a certain amont of humidity. Some of the drawing we found on internet were not so accurante (we all know the one and only wire that make everything go wrong).

    Thanks to that manipulation, we notice that if the wireing was good it was quit simple to code. We only had to take the value of the sensor, put it in a variable and that use an if to make a condition on the other component. So at the end we did 3 different test. DHT with step moter. Photoresistor with a LED and Photoresistor with step motor.

  • Components

    Alizée Boussac06/01/2017 at 01:00 0 comments

    They finaly arrived ! The components ! We decided to test them, see if averything work. That's how our first real challenge was set up. We had never code in C so we had no idea how to do it. Thanks again to the internet, we found sketches for connecting the wires to the arduino and also part of codes.

    However, because we don't live in a perfect world, some of the components like the DTH were not valiable. The code we used did not work. Many hours were spent on finding out what went wrong. Most of the time it was silly things like the pin of the sensor that was not the same as the one on the code. We begun to learn how arduino really works.

  • Shopping list ajustement

    Alizée Boussac06/01/2017 at 00:40 0 comments

    Some of our components have been order, however the grow led that we were supposed to have were not accepted because of the high voltage they had. We ordered an other kind of grow led that had 2 color, bleu and red and were only 12 volt.

  • The shopping list

    Alizée Boussac06/01/2017 at 00:23 0 comments

    "What kind of component do we need to take ? " was the question of the day. Amazon and internet in general became our best friends ! We decided to buy grow led thar could match the exact type of radiation the plants needed. Of course an arduino, and a lot of wires ! We also ordered humidity, temperature and light sensor ( they could be usefull ! ). For the water, we didn't exactly knew what to take so we just left it for an another day or 2 of reflexion.

View all 12 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    First of all, we didn't really finish the project. We got a lot of problems during the building session and we took way too much time to fix them. But we'll present you what we did and how you can improve on it.

    We went way to far from what we expected, we tried to respect the SDG goals and so we had to remove and add a lote of things. But basically we wanted something that look like that. Here you can see the main box from different points of views. Here are the main ideas I had for the shape, the irrigation system.

  • 2
    Step 2 (link for the MIT project)

    The project need to answer to an SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) we chose the n°9 (Innovation). We base our idea on the Open agriculture from The MIT Media Lab. "We believe the precursor to a healthier and more sustainable food system will be the creation of an open-source ecosystem of food technologies that enable and promote transparency, networked experimentation, education, and hyper-local production." they believe that we can change our growing food system can have a deep impact on our life. So we thought about an self-sustaining ecosystem in a box.

  • 3
    Step 3

    The next step was to think about what could be in our box. We needed lights, water, control the temperature, the intensity of our lights and the irrigation frequency. But our lights needed to be in the good spectrum so the plants could grow. We looked a couples of website (most off them was for weed btw) and we saw that a plant need blue light (400-500 nm) during the vegetative stage. They need more red light during the flowering stage. So we found a LED band that can has the both.

View all 4 instructions

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