Looks great !
05/31/2017 at 16:02 • 0 commentsFinally we managed to get a nice visual for the interface, all the informations needed are displayed even the date ,the time, the temperature and the humidity level =) You just need to click on the gaz you want and the quantity in the air will appear on the screen.
Ready to use !
05/29/2017 at 13:00 • 0 commentsE-Nhale is now ready to use but to have your room temperature display on the screen you need to download the library : https://github.com/adafruit/DHT-sensor-library
Working on the interface
05/20/2017 at 18:12 • 0 commentsWe started to imagine the design we would like for our interface display on our screen, we first decided to do a sketch to visualize our ideas and select the data we wanted to show.
We then proceed to code it and see if our design is feasible however we didnt achieve our goal yet ^^
Finally the design !
05/20/2017 at 18:03 • 0 commentsWe selected a soft and handy material, we proceed to cut it with the help of a milling and give it the shape we wanted. We also add the holes for the sensors so it won't overheat inside, we finally added magnet to close the box making it convenient.
Calibration of air sensors
04/28/2017 at 08:48 • 0 commentsWe started to test our sensors in different conditions, around smoke, water, pollution...
We configurated them to detect very precisely the amount of gaz in the air. We used different videos on youtube to help us :
Pollution everywhere !
04/07/2017 at 10:27 • 0 commentsStill working on the different pollutants presents indoor we found out that your home is full of them. We are thinking of adding some advice on our app in function of the data gathered by the device.
Components has arived !
04/07/2017 at 09:23 • 0 commentsToday we received our components including the rasperry pi 3 most of our sensors the screen and the sd card...Still waiting for the bluetooth module but we can start the conception of the prototype with the design we have in mind !
The Awaking of E-Nhale
03/24/2017 at 09:25 • 0 commentsIt all started from a simple question,
Can we have a precise idea of the quality of the air around us ?
We started looking for air sensors and found quite a few that were arduino compatible so yes, it was possible.
We first wanted to make an all-in-one device that would sense and display the informations about the air but then we thought why not separate the display from the sensing unit. This way, we could have people using our project and adapt it in whatever way they want.
Here we go !