Foremost, this project was completed based on parts-on-hand.

Some spare parts, a bit of wire wrapping (which I haven't done in cough-cough decades), some soldering and some hot glue. Done. Oh, and a sharpie for the perfect fit & finish ;) .

I was surprised how little current they take... and relatively how much the Hackaday "Supercons Attended" SAO did.

Some may ask - why the male version of the USB connector/power adapter? Because that's what I had. Interestingly, there doesn't seem to exist a female version of it anyway.

Also of note, the female 2x3 keyed headers that were recommended on the SAO Project page are a bit challenging in that the male pins of most SAOs I tried do not fit well, and some force has to be used to insert them (as say, compared to the 2014 Hackaday badge female headers)..

PS. Yeah, the title isn't technically correct, but sounded fun.