
A Piano Doorbell That Sounds Beautiful!

This is a beautiful looking and sounding doorbell with piano keys that will take your visitors experience to a whole new level

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Upgrade your doorbell from "ding-dong" to delightful! This project is about replacing that boring old doorbell with something truly unique: a miniature piano!
Imagine your visitors' surprise when they're greeted by five beautiful piano keys! In this project, I take you through the full build process of this doorbell to transform your home's first impression!

Doorbells are often overlooked, but think about it, the doorbell is the very first interaction between you and someone visiting your home. Shouldn't your doorbell be something more? Something that brings a smile to the face of your visitor?

That's why I made this beautiful looking and sounding doorbell that looks like a miniature piano. It has five individual, fully functional piano keys. Each key, when pressed, plays a distinct note, sampled from a real piano.

Imagine the surprise and delight on your visitor's face when they're greeted by this beautiful doorbell. The keys are designed to feel like genuine piano keys, with actual key travel that provides a satisfying, responsive feel. And for you, it’s a gentle, musical tone instead of a jarring ring of a standard doorbell.


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View all 7 files

  • 1 × Esp32S3
  • 5 × Micro limit switch
  • 5 × 10k resistor
  • 1 × 470 ohm resistor
  • 1 × 1.5 uF capacitor

View all 6 components

  • 1
    Design and 3D print

    I started designing the doorbell in Fusion 360. I came across this doorbell design on Pinterest that I used as a reference. However, that design appeared to have all the keys joined together as a single button. But I wanted five distinct, individually playable keys. So my design has separate keys. 

    With the designs finalized, I sent them off to be 3D printed using standard PLA filament.

  • 2

    The raw 3D-printed PLA, had a somewhat dull, grainy appearance. The white wasn’t really the piano white I was looking for. 

    The solution to this was quite simple. A nice coat of spray paint! I opted for a glossy white spray paint to achieve a polished finish.

    I applied three coats of the spray paint, allowing 10 to 15 minutes of drying time between each. After about 12 hours of drying, the keys looked smooth, and shiny just like a real piano.

  • 3

    Part of this project was sponsored by JLCMC. If you’re a creator like me, you know how challenging it can be to find the right mechatronic parts for your projects. That’s where JLCMC comes in.

    Why Choose JLCMC?

    • A Name You Can Trust: Built on the strong foundation of JLC services—a global leader in PCB manufacturing and prototyping—JLCMC upholds the same dedication to quality and customer satisfaction in their mechanical parts offerings.
    • Unmatched Prices: Continuing the JLC tradition, JLCMC provides mechanical parts at competitive, industry-leading prices, allowing you to stay within budget without sacrificing quality.
    • Extensive Product Range: Whether you need precision-engineered components or custom solutions, JLCMC offers a comprehensive selection to support your projects—perfect for both hobbyists and professionals.
    • Worldwide Reliability: With a legacy of trust from millions of makers globally, JLCMC extends the same dependable service to mechanical parts, ensuring consistent quality you can rely on.

    If you sign up now, you’ll get a $19 coupon and monthly MC coupons to help save even more. Check out for more!

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