
Two Bar Vertical Lift Mechanism.

A Scotch Yoke type mechanism requiring less horizontal space.

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In this model, a 160mm vertical lift is achieved will requiring 80mm horizontal space. A typical Scotch Yoke mechanism requires twice the same horizontal space as the vertical movement.

Videos of the mechanism design and assembly are here:

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Robin Dorst wrote 03/21/2025 at 14:16 point

Very interesting mechanism. Where would something like this be used and where did you get the inspiration for this project?

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Greg Zumwalt wrote 03/21/2025 at 19:33 point

The mechanism would primarily be used as a scotch yoke replacement requiring half the horizontal space.  The inspiration for the model came from a follower / friend who sent me a video of a model and asked if I could recreate it.  Here's a link to a video of my recreation of the model:                


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Greg Zumwalt wrote 03/19/2025 at 16:22 point

Thank you very much peter, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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peter jansen wrote 03/19/2025 at 03:01 point


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