Hackaday Challenge 2017 Section
Challenge the project addresses
- a few people wanted to do a cool project for class that deals with phones, but some may not know where to start.
How will alleviate or solve the problem that the project addresses?
- This project alleviates some stress or struggles of building a phone from scratch saving time.
Discuss how the project might be world changing.
- Its world changing in a way that it accelerates how the younger generation will build and design better open source phones with a decent foundation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The C.H.I.P SmartPhone is a completely open source DIY cellphone down open source C.H.I.P Pro linux module/computer.
You can use Python and Luma Oled libraries(or anything really). Below is a small example of it
Did the CHIP boot from NAND and detect the SD? at least the storage is usable?