POSIX is dead
03/03/2024 at 17:12 • 0 commentsSus à l’ASCIIZ, vive les chaînes alignées ! More articles are on their way. A larger theme is emerging, contributing to #POSEVEN: here it's about #Aligned Strings format and then about stacks...
More free articles !
11/01/2020 at 08:25 • 0 comments -
LEDs on the cover !
12/20/2019 at 15:33 • 0 commentsAnother batch of articles is published for the 1Q20 season and I'm on the cover !
I describe the design of a very optimised and ultra-cheap power supply to feed a baobab with photons.
Meanwhile, an older article is now FREEEEEEHEEHEEEHEEE !!!!!!
This is a synthesis of some early experiments with #ReTest-yg in French.
Nos amis les MOSFET
03/11/2017 at 17:44 • 0 commentshttp://connect.ed-diamond.com/Hackable/HK-012/Nos-amis-les-MOSFET
In kiosks in May 2016
Published under CC-NC-ND
I wrote this article as an introduction to the MOSFET for total beginners, since I use it for several projects ( #Yet Another Electronic Lampyridae and #Yet Another (Discrete) Clock to name a few).
I go through several aspects of the part, including its parasitic behaviours, from the angles of the advantages and drawbacks. Several proof-readers were very happy of the article and it provides a foundation for more projects.