A simple yet fun rover that my son and I use to do mostly useless stuff, but it makes Jenga way more difficult and fun.
My son and I built a 4 wheeled omni rover a while back, but it had problems if the floor was not level. We redesigned a three wheel Omni rover and to have more fun we incorporated our lynxmotion 6DOF arm which has been collecting dust on the shelf.
The biggest challenge was getting the large servos for the arm to get sufficient current. The shoulder servo tends to be a bit of a pig. Since we were using a 12V 1200 mAh battery, I needed to get 5V with at least 1A as a supply. Fortunately I had a Sabertooth motor controller lying around. It put out sufficient 5V power to run the servos.
Going forward, we would like to improve upon the arm. It works but is very weak. Lots of good info in Hackaday which I will be studying.
We also want to incorporate POV video feed so we can truly go remote.
Those hiding ping pong balls won't have a chance !