FreeBasic Reciever Code
05/03/2015 at 11:25 • 0 comments'Freebasic Rangefinder Reciever Code #Include "FBGFX.bi" Using fb ScreenRes 800,600,32 Const TRUE = 1 Const FALSE = 0 Const maxdistance = 100 'Maximum distance we want to read Const factor = 250 / maxdistance 'scale factor for drawing bars Const minang = 10 'Starting angle, as a cheap servo was used moving to 0 causes problems Const maxang = 150 'Set to keep view in front of robot Const totalang = maxang-minang Const angfactor = 1 Const pi = 3.14159265359 Dim As UByte rec_Data Dim As UByte bounce Dim As UByte datastart Dim As uByte fin, gotang, gotmessage Dim As ubyte serialData Dim As String message, marker Dim As Integer ang, i Dim As Double distance Declare Function radang(ang As Double) As Double Declare Sub draw_line(ang As Integer, distance As Double) fin = FALSE gotang = FALSE gotmessage = FALSE datastart = TRUE Open com "COM14:57600,N,8,1,BIN,CS0,DS0" As 1 'Opens communication with serial port (in this case bluetooth) Sleep 100 ang=0 Cls Circle (400,300),255,RGB(196,0,0),,,,F Line (0,301)-(800,600),RGB(0,0,0),bf Do If MultiKey(SC_ESCAPE) Then fin = TRUE If LOC(1) > 0 Then If datastart = TRUE Then Cls Circle (400,300),255,RGB(196,0,0),,,,F Line (0,301)-(800,600),RGB(0,0,0),bf datastart = FALSE End If Get #1, ,serialData EndIf If serialdata <> 10 Then message = message & Chr(serialdata) 'start to decode the information coming in If serialdata = 10 Then 'Print message If Left(message,5) = "BEGIN" Then 'Start of data stream datastart = TRUE Print "TADA" EndIf If Left(message,1) = "S" Then 'Angle Data ang = Val(Right(message,Len(message)-1)) - 10 gotang = TRUE EndIf If Left(message,1) = "V" Then 'Distance Data distance = Val(Right(message,Len(message)-1)) gotmessage = TRUE EndIf message = "" EndIf If gotang = TRUE And gotmessage = TRUE Then 'draw line on display if both angle and data recieved gotang = FALSE gotmessage = FALSE If ang = 0 Then EndIf draw_line(ang,distance) EndIf For i = 0 To 250 Step 50 Circle (400,300),i,RGB(255,255,255),radang(20),radang(160) marker = Str(Int(i/factor)) Draw String (400-(4*Len(marker)),290-i), marker, RGB(255,255,255) Next i Line (399-totalang,350)-(401+totalang,400),RGB(0,0,255),b Loop Until fin = TRUE Close #1 End 0 Sub draw_line(ang As Integer, distance As Double) Dim As Double x1,y1,x2,y2, fdist, anginc, i, inc, ang2 Dim As Integer x3, c, d If distance = 0 Then distance = maxdistance Static lastdist As Double ang2 = 360 - ang - ((180-(totalang))/2) fdist = distance * factor inc = (lastdist - distance) /500 x1 = 400 y1 = 300 x3 = ((totalang-ang)*2)+ (400-(totalang)) c = (255-((distance/maxdistance) * 255)) If c < 0 Then c = 0 If c > 255 Then c = 255 For i = -1 To 0 Step 0.002 d = c + (inc*i) If d > 255 Then d = 255 x2 = ((fdist + (inc*i)) * Cos(radang(ang2 + i))) + x1 y2 = ((fdist + (inc*i)) * Sin(radang(ang2 + i))) + y1 Line (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),RGB(0,0,0) Line (x3 + i,350) - (x3 + i,400),RGB(d,d,d) Next i lastdist = distance End Sub Function radang(ang As Double) As Double Dim rad As Double rad = ang * (pi/180) Return rad End Function
Many Updates, One Log
08/05/2014 at 11:24 • 0 commentsOk, so the first couple of images i posted showed no more than a sensor on a servo. Since then i've put together a wheelbase (not the most efficient setup, but it serves a purpose for the moment), added a bluetooth connection, and an IR avoidance sensor.
The wheelbase is made from a couple of motors and gearboxes salvaged from an old robot toy. Sadly these are massively power hungry, and so the drive batteries don't last very long at all.
I've used an uber cheap HC-06 bluetooth module from ebay for wireless communication, and although it was fussy at the start, it seems to stream the data nicely. Sadly however i've not figured out a way of putting it to sleep when it's not in use, causing more of a power drain on the system. Coupled with the cheap servo the arduino is also drawing it's fair share of current (although from a different set of batteries from the motors).
Next step is definitely to sort out the power issues. Hopefully starting with the control side, and shutting down both the servo, bluetooth, and possibly even the ultrasonic sensor when they are not needed.