
AnanasStepper 2.0 - 3.0

Open Source CAN Bus Based Servo Stepper for Multi Axis Gang Control

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This is a part of a smart Robot control system(AnanasRobot), based on Stepper Motor and CAN bus. This project aims to build a motion control system including hardware and software to make Multi-Axis Gang Control easy and precise, applied to 3D printer, a 6+ axis robot arm or some more complex motion control system.
Main Features:
1.CAN-bus based(up to 1 Mbit).
2.STM32 32bit ARM MCU(Cortex-M0 48MHz).
3.Closed-loop control with 15bit magnetic encoders(TLE5012).
4.more power MOS Driver(A4950).
5.Extendable(For most 128 motors ), and Easy for Installation(With two twisted wires and power to get the whole system available).
6.USB Interface for CAN bus accessing easily.
7.API for multiple control systems, Windows Mac Linux FreeRTOS ROS (Arduino Beagleboneblack RapberryPi)

Sorry for the late. Actually, I have a prior agreement with WoW. They invested in the Kickstarter project of Ananas Steper3.0, so they need to agree on when to open source the circuit design and related software. Thank you for all your attention.

AnanasStepper 3.0 is coming!

For some special reasons, I will release the source code and design files after the Kickstarter compaign, Thanks for understanding me.

Kickstarter !!!!!!!!!

We need your support !!!


AnanasStepper 3.0

Main Feature

1.CAN bus based(up to 1 Mbit). 
2.STM32 32bit ARM MCU(Cortex-M0 48MHz). 
3.Closed loop control with 15bit magnetic encoders(TLE5012). 
4.more power MOS Driver(A4950).
5.Extendable(For most 128 motors ), and Easy for Installation(With two twisted wires and power to get the whole system available). 
6.USB Interface for  CAN bus accessing easily. 

7.API for multiple control systems,Windows Mac Linux FreeRTOS ROS (Arduino Beagleboneblack RapberryPi

This an upgrade of AnanasStepper(, which is a stand alone closed loop stepper driver.With STM32 MCU, this version has more performance to driver stepper well and CAN Bus support.

AnanasStepper 2.0

1.CAN bus based(up to 1 Mbit). 
2.STM32 32bit ARM MCU(Cortex-M3 72MHz). 
3.Closed loop control with 14bit magnetic encoders(TLE5012). 
4.Driver integrated(A4988 DRV8825 or more power MOS Driver) 
5.Extendable(For more than 12+ motors), and Easy for Installation(With two twisted wires and power to get the whole system available). 
6.USB-CAN Adapter and SPI-CAN Adapter For systems without CAN bus. 
7.API for multiple control systems(Arduino Beagleboneblack RapberryPi)

All the wiring I need is 12V and a twisted pair for CAN to link All device all together. So the main module can control all of them and monitor the state(position temprature or current) of them.

Application Of AnanasStepper 2.0

There is plan to build a system with a Robot Arm and a 3D printer working together!

Coming Soon!

2 AnanasSteppers Do 2D plotter (test TWO Axis Gang Control)

I use 2 AnanasStepper to build a 2D plotter, Test 2D Axis Gang Control.


AnanasStepper 2.0 play MIDI MUSIC

I tested AnanasStepper to Play MIDI music,And used My guitar as a loud-speaker!

It is not very nice but it works!!



RUN CAN with SPI: MCP2515 :

RUN CAN with Beaglebone:

AnanasRobot Linear Actor:

AnanasStepper 1.0 :


Linear-Actor-for AnanasRobot system

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View all 12 files

  • 1 × STM32F103CBT6 Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSPs / ARM, RISC-Based Microcontrollers
  • 1 × TLE5012B Semiconductors and Integrated Circuits / Misc. Semiconductors and Integrated Circuits
  • 1 × TJA1050
  • 1 × A4988 Power Management ICs / Motion, Motor and Servo Control
  • 1 × DRV8825 Evaluation, Demonstration Kits, Boards and Modules / Evaluation Kits, Boards and Modules

View all 39 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Prepare(Prepare AnanasStepper include Power wire and CAN bus wire)


    1. Ananas(AnanasStepper 20)
    2. Step Motor (2 phases-step-motor)
    3. Magnet
    4. Mount Space (a 3D printer part)
    5. Screw(4 Screw)
    6. Nuts(4 Nuts)
    7. Motor Wire
    8. Power Wire
    9. USB-CAN(or SPI-CAN)
  • 2
    Step 2

    Assemble Magnet And srew

    1. a.Assemble the 3D printed spacer.
    2. b.Assemble the Ananas.
    3. c, Final assemble the Nuts.
  • 3
    Step 3

    Connect AnanasSteppers(Power and CAN bus)

    First, Prepare All wires.

    Connect them follow the arrows.

View all 4 instructions

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Donovan Worrell wrote 12/09/2022 at 22:01 point

Gary, you started this project. You're the public face of it. Whatever you did with WOW is between you and WOW. When I supported the project on kickstarter you were the face of the project. I will work from now to eternity to make sure you never attempt to do this again on kickstarter. There is no website anymore, no email replies, all got half a million dollars to make a go of this. As far as we can see you and WOW stole the money and walked away. There has been no product...if I had my way you'd be in jail for fraud and theft. Who knows, the day is young. 

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Daniel Badde wrote 11/28/2022 at 06:26 point

The least thing that WoW! and the developer Dark Guan/GrayPillow could and also should do after scamming us all would be to fully open source the AnanasStepper v3 and let the community keep up the work on this project. I mean you've had your fun with our money, but you weren't capable of fulfilling your promises. Others are, and the demand for a product like this is high. My company Genie Robotics LLC. would clearly be interested in the manufacturing and sale of these servo motors, and I'm sure we're not the only ones. Making this project fully open source would be a small reimbursement for our investments. Also if I'll still have to pay the full amount for the hardware again - as an open source project, I would at least be able to get what I've paid for by another way. Just imagine all the work and efforts that have been put into this project being lost, what a pity, no? Not even talking about the money.

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dmb wrote 05/20/2021 at 20:06 point

This is just a scam. A year after target completion a few people seem to have got a few motors but almost all of us backers have had no communication for months, can't get any updates from the project owner, have had nothing delivered. I'm pretty sure the money's gone for good ... the scammer is probably having a good laugh at all of us mugs.

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3gfisch wrote 02/16/2021 at 00:11 point

You acted like the product is final in version 3 and perfect for mass production but kept developing it for moth! You have raised it as KS project which is normally for startups / company and with the aim to produce it, so the persons and developers should work with their heart for the project and bring it to success even beyond KS. But what you show is more like a side / hobby project and if main developers leave the project / lost interest / trust why should we stay? On top of this bad communication, no regular updates to show that you work excited on it. And not explained dump mistakes „ In our original plan, this shell should be 12mm of height. For some reasons, our technician increased the height of it to 14mm.“ and so on.. :-(

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GrayPillow wrote 03/07/2021 at 09:53 point

I'm very sorry for the long delay in this project, I am not responsible for the production of the project now, If you have any questions, you can pay attention directly on KS

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Gravis wrote 02/08/2021 at 20:47 point

What is "WoW"?

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GrayPillow wrote 02/12/2021 at 05:56 point

The Company who raised the AnanasStepper3.0 Kickstarter Project.

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3gfisch wrote 02/16/2021 at 00:13 point

„company“ acting worse than other hobby projects here on hackady..

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igoresanto wrote 12/21/2020 at 18:35 point

Where can I get the software for V2.0?

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GrayPillow wrote 02/06/2021 at 10:26 point

Sorry for the late reply. Actually, I have a prior agreement with WoW. They invested in the Kickstarter project of Ananas Steper3.0, so they need to agree on when to open source the circuit design and related software.Thank you for your attention

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3gfisch wrote 02/16/2021 at 00:19 point

it could be done and available for many makers if it where open source long time ago, have seen better developing open source projects than WoWs progress :/

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Dzor wrote 07/23/2020 at 06:08 point

So many details missing and support is still linking to old version of the stepper and to website html source code (basically they don't know anything). 

- does it have current sensing?

- does it use motor control adavance timers

- does it expose STM32 break pin that could be used for hardware based emergency stop 


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GrayPillow wrote 02/06/2021 at 10:29 point

Sorry for the late reply. Actually, the emergency stop function using STM32 break pins is OK, There is current sensings, and timers

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Alexey wrote 05/24/2020 at 00:22 point

Will the source version 3.0 be available to everyone or not? I wanted to understand what differences from version 2.0 and make myself. Thank.

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GrayPillow wrote 02/06/2021 at 10:26 point

Sorry for the late reply. Actually, I have a prior agreement with WoW. They invested in the Kickstarter project of Ananas Steper3.0, so they need to agree on when to open source the circuit design and related software.Thank you for your attention

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madhu nuggehalli wrote 04/05/2020 at 17:07 point

Hi @GrayPillow ,

Where are the sources for the v3 board?


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GrayPillow wrote 02/06/2021 at 10:26 point

Sorry for the late reply. Actually, I have a prior agreement with WoW. They invested in the Kickstarter project of Ananas Steper3.0, so they need to agree on when to open source the circuit design and related software.Thank you for your attention

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scott wrote 01/27/2020 at 20:56 point

Hi Gary,  I have a project involving XZ motion and would like to integrate the anastepper.  I would also like to see if you can provide a service of software control similar to your test bed video examples.  

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GrayPillow wrote 01/28/2020 at 07:44 point

Hi scott, we have an SDK to help you.

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3gfisch wrote 01/26/2020 at 19:33 point

looks very nice, I ordered 4 and and want to exchange two on my 3D printer for x-y axis. Is there also a control mode where I can use the output of normal micro stepping drivers? Cause on my controller board I have only connectors for direct motor connection. Thanks

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GrayPillow wrote 01/27/2020 at 05:25 point

Thanks for your comment,!Yes, AnanasStepper has step/dir interface, it can be used in your 3D printer.

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Nick Cook wrote 01/28/2020 at 01:29 point

if you are looking to take the pins A1,A2,B1,B2 from a driver and put them to the AnanasStepper itself than that will not work. you can however most of the time find pinouts for step/dir and GND on your board and run them to AnanasStepper without issue.

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3gfisch wrote 01/28/2020 at 06:38 point

thanks more useful answer then the original one. So I have no Chance ore have to solder pins on traces on the board :/

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Sylvain Charpiot wrote 01/02/2020 at 15:36 point

HiIs there somebody still here?
Was it not supposed to have a kickstarter for ananasstepper 3.0 soon or I dreamt?

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GrayPillow wrote 01/25/2020 at 12:33 point

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nico_michiels wrote 06/26/2018 at 20:11 point

When Will the stm32 software been shared? 

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GrayPillow wrote 12/30/2018 at 16:09 point

Yes, And we are planing a Pro verison for kickstarter!! Thank you for your attention.

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Alexey Shvetsov wrote 02/11/2018 at 19:13 point


I realy like this project. Wille you make stm32 sources available to public?

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GrayPillow wrote 12/30/2018 at 16:09 point

Yes, And  we are  planing a Pro verison for kickstarter!! Thank you for your attention.

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Yabudef wrote 01/20/2018 at 06:21 point

Good project how i can get sample to test your products 

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GrayPillow wrote 01/24/2018 at 14:45 point

Thanks, I will set up the test version soon

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ottoragam wrote 06/13/2017 at 20:51 point

Hi, thanks for the follow! I see that you want to make a higher current drive. May I suggest a discrete array of half bridges? There are dual MOSFETs in 5x6 packages that should be able to handle the current you want or even more, and they don't take a lot of board space. Could give good results, IMO :)

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GrayPillow wrote 06/14/2017 at 02:33 point

Thanks for your suggest. Yes I plan to use a dual MOSFETs in SOP8 package and IR210x mos driver to build a drive for This project. And I should do some more Test.

Your project is awesome, I like them.

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ottoragam wrote 06/14/2017 at 03:50 point

Cool! What is the maximum motor voltage that you're planning on supporting?

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GrayPillow wrote 06/14/2017 at 04:20 point

I'd like set the maximum to 24V , which affects component selection. About this part, What's your suggestion?

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ottoragam wrote 06/14/2017 at 04:34 point

Well, higher voltage will get you higher motor speeds. The FETs start to become kinda expensive and less available beyond 80V, and I feel the IR210x gate drivers will be sort of wasted at 24V (they can go up to 600V), so maybe you can go with a commonplace 48V system. But if you choose 24V, The DRV8701 (the one I'm using) its a good candidate, as it includes an internal 12V supply for the FET gates (the IR210x doesn't).

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GrayPillow wrote 06/14/2017 at 05:50 point

Thanks very much , I will consider your suggestions.

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GOAT INDUSTRIES wrote 05/31/2017 at 16:08 point

How many amps can this board handle? Thanks!

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GrayPillow wrote 06/01/2017 at 01:40 point

Thanks for your comment.

Amps is limited by the driver used, A4988 is 2.0 A(max) and 1.4A rms, DRV8825 is 2.5A max and 1.75A rms. And I have a plan to embed MOS driver onboard, which may make the max Amps to about 5A + coming soon

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Oskar Weigl wrote 05/29/2017 at 01:38 point

Do you plan to support industry standard protocols like CANOpen CiA 402?

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GrayPillow wrote 05/29/2017 at 01:49 point

Actually, I read the CANOpen protocol and consulted some engineers familiar with it. And I figure out it is so complex. So I write another protocol for my system . My goal is simple and efficient , with some reasonable expansibility.

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Oskar Weigl wrote 05/29/2017 at 01:56 point

Okay fair enough. What about using stuff already written, like and ?

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GrayPillow wrote 05/29/2017 at 01:53 point

But, if it is necessary , I want to support it though it means I should do a lot of change with my system.

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GrayPillow wrote 05/29/2017 at 02:08 point

I am not familiar with now. But I have the plan to support ROS. I will try it later.

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Thorsten Eggert wrote 05/11/2017 at 19:45 point

Nice thing. I just searched for some info to build something like this by my self. I only do not understand the CAN bus decision. I like the CAN bus and its features, but how do you plan to connect it to a grbl or similar? Or is the ananas 2.0 no meant to be used for hobby CNCs / 3d printers?

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GrayPillow wrote 05/12/2017 at 01:43 point

Thanks very much!There are several way to connect AnanasSteppers 2.0 to normal CNC system , Serial to CAN or SPI to CAN (They are very cheap ,no more then 10 dollars).Ananas 1.0 is a version that support DIR/STEP and I2C interface .

I am foucing on AnanasStepper 2.0 Now ,After Releasing Python API , A C/C++ API is on the way.

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Thorsten Eggert wrote 05/13/2017 at 14:07 point

So if I understand you correctly, grbl / marlin will need a CAM interface to be used, right? 

If thats the case I would like to help, do you already have some informations about the protocol at the CAM bus?

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GrayPillow wrote 05/13/2017 at 14:27 point

You are right! I am test the protocol Today. The demo test will be released Soon!!

Thanks for your hope to help! I will remind you soon!

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Ryan Won wrote 04/11/2017 at 00:53 point

Would you like to share the fritizing files of the old ananans stepper?

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GrayPillow wrote 04/11/2017 at 02:07 point

Yes,you can get them form the link of github I shared

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GrayPillow wrote 04/11/2017 at 14:33 point

Oh, I am so sorry ,Today I check my github ,there is no fritizing file. I think I lost them.

Don't warry ,the more detail is here , which is used Eagle . Hope this help you!

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