
Unique coding

A project log for One-instruction TTL Computer

A breadboard-able computer which uses only a single instruction - MOVE

justin-davisJustin Davis 05/06/2017 at 12:131 Comment

I've been attempting to write some simple test programs for my computer. It's kind of a different style of programming that takes some getting used to. Some things are surprisingly fast and easy and some things take a little longer. I have to write psuedocode first and then figure out how to translate to my machine code. For example, I thought one of the first programs could be a simple echo of characters from the UART back to the UART:

  1. ** echo characters to UART
  2. loop:
  3. wait for UART to be not busy
  4. move from UART data to ALU A
  5. move from ALU A to UART data
  6. jump to loop

This turns into:

I'm not sure if I can write and read UART data just yet, but I think I can. I could also replace TRASH with a memory address which holds the address of UARTWAIT.

Anyway, I was also thinking this could be made into a video game. It reminds me of the different programming style you need for TIS-100. I envision a person/robot you control by moving to different windows in a factory. Each window does a different function, and your job is to just move boxes from one to the next. Maybe it keeps track of your steps so you can replay later. Perhaps even be able to type the steps in if you prefer. All it would need is simple arrow keys and one button to pick-up/drop-off. Man, I wish I had more free time to work on projects like this.


Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 05/06/2017 at 12:44 point

yeah, go for the game idea !

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