Just released version 7_8_2_228 with support for displaying Bitmaps from SD cards
03/06/2018 at 00:21 • 0 commentsJust released Visuino 7_8_2_228
- Added support for displaying Bitmaps from SD cards
- Improved Graphics support
- Improved ESP32 support
- Improved SD cards support
Added new experimental user code component in the Visuino Pro version available in the G+ Community
Updated version of the Visuino Component Development SDK is also available in the G+ Community and the Facebook Beta group:https://plus.google.com/communities/116125623808250792822
Just released version 7_8_2_226 - Up to 80% less memory usage! :-)
02/26/2018 at 17:05 • 0 commentsJust released Visuino 7_8_2_226
https://www.visuino.comSignificantly reduced memory usage by the generated code ( Up to 80% less memory usage! )
Added ESP32 Servo support
Added support for I2C address scramblers
Added support for Heltec ESP32 LoRa WiFi OLED Modules
Added ESP32 I2C and SPI pin mapping
Added ESP8266 I2C pin mapping
Improved TCN75A support
Added support for recording and playing RGBW Color file elements in the microSD
Improved LCD fields support
Improved LCD Custom Symbols support
Added Replace String component
Added Replace Analog Array componentAdded new experimental user code component in the Visuino Pro version available in the G+ Community
Updated version of the Visuino Component Development SDK is also available in the G+ Community and the Facebook Beta group: https://plus.google.com/communities/116125623808250792822
Just released version 7_8_2_221 with a lot of new stuff :-)
01/01/2018 at 22:06 • 0 commentsJust released Visuino 7_8_2_221
https://www.visuino.com- Added option to copy or save the Visuino design as image
- Added Offsets to Acceleration To Angle component
- Added Kuman SM11 Robot Shield
- Added BNO055 component
- Added PCF8523 component
- Added RTC support for EVIVE
- Added Change Only components for all data types
- Added optional support for the PWM Servo library
- Added Arduino Pro Micro support
- Significantly reduced memory usage by all of the components
- Improved Elegoo Robot Shield
- Improved floating point property editors
- Improved Binary Decoder component
- Improved ESP8266/ESP32 compatibility for the AK8963 Compass, MPU6050, and MPU9250
- Improved ESP8266 Serial Port support
- Improved ESP32 WiFi support
- Improved Controllino RTC support
- Improved PCF8563 support
- Improved Sequence component
- Improved RS485 support
- Improved Adafruit Trinket M0 support
Improved live help in the Visuino Pro version available in the G+ Community
https://plus.google.com/communities/116125623808250792822Updated version of the Visuino Component Development SDK is also available in the G+ Community and the Facebook Beta group:
https://plus.google.com/communities/116125623808250792822 -
Released version 7_8_2_214 with Internet Time support
11/26/2017 at 20:20 • 0 commentsJust released Visuino version - 7_8_2_214 with Internet Time support
https://www.visuino.comHuge improvements in the ESP32 support, including support for PWM
Added Internet Time client component
Added Integer, and Unsigned Integer Min, Max, and Limit components
Added elements to set, increment or decrement the time elements of all the Real Time Clock (RTC) components, and modules
Added Alarms support for the DS3231, and PCF8563 RTC components
Added RTC support for EVIVE
Improved Rotary Encoder component
Reduced memory usage by many of the components
Improved compatibility for Maple Mini I2CNew live help view added experimentally in the Visuino Pro version available in the G+ Community
https://plus.google.com/communities/116125623808250792822Updated version of the Visuino Component Development SDK is also available in the G+ Community and the Facebook Beta group:
https://plus.google.com/communities/116125623808250792822 -
Just released version 7_8_2_212 with BotBoarduino support
11/03/2017 at 21:25 • 0 commentsAdded ADXL335/GY-61 Accelerometer support
Added CPU Time component
Added support for Lynxmotion BotBoarduino
Reduced memory usage by some of the components
Improvements in some property editors
Improved integer to string conversions
Released version 7_8_2_211 with improved IDE
11/01/2017 at 17:05 • 0 commentsJust released Visuino 7_8_2_211 with improved IDE
https://www.visuino.comMajor redesign of the component property editors
Added visualization for the important property values of some the elements
Added separated support for the Elegoo V2 Robot shield
Added Ramping to the Motor Driver components
Added Ramping to the Elegoo Robot Shields
Added Ramping to the Kuman Robot Shield
Added Infrared Remote element for typical NEC controllers with arrows and OK button
Improved Maple Mini support
Improved Controllino RTC supportIn the Visuino Pro Beta improved support for some IndustrialShields controllers - https://www.industrialshields.com/
There is also updated version of the Visuino Pro with improved Modbus support available in the G+ Community:
https://plus.google.com/communities/116125623808250792822Updated version of the Visuino Component Development SDK is also available in the G+ Community and the Facebook Beta group:
https://plus.google.com/communities/116125623808250792822 -
Introduction to Visuino Pro: Modbus Server(Slave) - RTU, Ascii and TCP/IP
10/13/2017 at 03:02 • 0 commentsThe first video of the Visuino Pro version currently under development!
Video Tutorial on implementing Modbus Server(Slave) Device accessible through Serial RTU, Serial Ascii and TCP/IP
Visuino Pro is currently in Beta.
You can download Visuino Pro from this G+ Community:
https://plus.google.com/communities/116125623808250792822 -
​Just released Version 7_8_2_198 with Better RS485 Support​
09/29/2017 at 20:57 • 2 commentshttp://www.visuino.com/download
Improved Sending E-Mail SMTP components
Improved ESP8266, and ESP32 support
Improved Controllino support
Improved EVIVE support
Improved RS485 support
Improved PlayFrequncy component
Reduced memory usage by serial port
Reduced memory usage by the Analog ChannelsThere is also updated version of the Visuino Pro with improved Modbus support available in the G+ Community:
https://plus.google.com/communities/116125623808250792822Updated version of the Visuino Component Development SDK is also available in the G+ Community and the Facebook Beta group:
https://plus.google.com/communities/116125623808250792822 -
Just released Visuino - Graphical Development for Arduino - 7_8_2_194 with E-Mail SMTP Support
09/20/2017 at 01:41 • 0 commentsAdded Sending E-Mail SMTP components
Added ESP8266 SSL Support
Added support for Interrupt driven Humidity and Thermometer DHT11/21/22/AM2301
Added optional period to the Repeat Clock component
Improved EEPROM support
Improved Sequence component
Improved Value Array component
Improved Controllino Maxi Automation support
Reduced memory usage by some of the components
There is also updated version of the Visuino Pro with improved Modbus support available in the G+ Community:
https://plus.google.com/communities/116125623808250792822Updated version of the Visuino Component Development SDK is also available in the G+ Community and the Facebook Beta group:
https://plus.google.com/communities/116125623808250792822 -
Version 7_8_2_187 released
09/04/2017 at 19:06 • 0 commentsJust released Visuino version 7_8_2_187 with new ESP8266 Serial module implementation
https://www.visuino.comAdded support for Makerfabs Maduino LoRa Radio IoT Microcontrollers
Completely redesigned ESP8266 as AT serial module support
Added initial support for playing tones
Added support for ESP32 Hall Sensor
Added Reset, Deep Sleep and Reset Info for ESP8266
Added Reset, and Deep Sleep for ESP32
Improves EVIVE support
Added support for interrupts for the Rotary Encoder
Improved Pulse Meter component
Improved ESP32 compatibility
Improved LCD component
Reduced memory usage by a number of components
Improved ILI9341 compatibility with some of the controllers
Improved support for RS485 communication