Quantity | Component name | |
1 | × | PIC16F870 Content/Electronic Components/Semiconductors and Integrated Circuits/Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSPs/ARM, RISC-Based Microcontrollers |
3 | × | A4988 Stepper Driver Purchased from Pololu |
1 | × | 24V power supply Pulled from old Copy machine |
2 | × | 5V power supply Pulled from old Copy machine |
1 | × | Printer chassis for X axis Commercial printer used in printing of books. Used stepper and belt drive mechanism |
2 | × | Misc. Stepper Pulled from copier of unknown origin (it was in the junk box) |
5 | × | Limit switches Pulled from copier of unknown origin |
1 | × | Aluminum Frame Built from aluminum angle |
1 | × | Scratch built stepper mount for z axis |
5 | × | Ball Bearings Pulled from copier of unknown origin. Used for Y axis movement |
1 | × | Joystick Purchased from ebay. Same style used on commercial claw machines |
1 | × | Scratch built claw Designed around 24V solenoid from copier |
1 | × | Computer Case From scrapped computer |
1 | × | Misc Cable/wiring Cable in junk box |
1 | × | TTL to RS232 board Allow a computer to connect up to the claw machine to reprogram common features. |
1 | × | HC-06 Bluetooth device to allow wireless control. |