
Color Handheld Gamer Prototype

Prototype of my color handheld Arduino gaming for under $20.

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Small, compact, portable, practical, color handheld gaming device running on Arduino (Pro Mini).
Next version redesign v2: solar charging, case v1 install, more games/apps.
Forecast redesign case v3: new case design, external buttons, PCB modifications/redesign.
Vision redesign v3: order PCB redesign, surface mount components, custom AVR.

* Demo game Space Invaders (Landscape)
* LED Strip lamp color menu app
* Minor demos

* Arduino Mini Pro
* 1.8" 160x128 ST7735 TFT display & Adafruit library
* Button switches and resistors
* Single sided only PCB design
* 4/8ohm speaker and small amplifier, using Nintendo DS speakers (not shown photo yet)
* 3.7V battery, sits between the display and PCB, using Nintendo DS battery (see video)

Width: 750mm
Height: 700mm
Depth: 250mm

  • 1 × Resistor 3k3 R1
  • 1 × Resistor 1k R2
  • 1 × Resistor 620 R3
  • 1 × Resistor 330 R4
  • 1 × Resistor 120 R5

View all 19 components

  • 3D Printed Case

    Matchy09/15/2014 at 08:10 1 comment

    The 3D printed cases arrive and they fine but I need to redesign the case. I am a waiting for some buttons to arrive to do that.

  • Retrospective

    Matchy08/21/2014 at 00:49 0 comments

    There are a few test boards I made without buttons but I did have one before the current with the Pro Mini on top of the board before I designed it upside-down, underneath the board and removed the large screen SD card socket for the current version. The ST7735, ILI9341 and (monochrome) Nokia 3310/5110 have the same pinouts and can be used.  I now need to get a Teensy.

  • Video Demo

    Matchy08/17/2014 at 19:52 0 comments

  • Space Invaders Remake Demo Source Code

    Matchy08/17/2014 at 18:09 0 comments

    This is a almost a replicated version without the barriers. Sound can be enabled but slows the game down for this game. Color themes can be changed and will be used in future versions. I just wanted to get out a first version for now so I can write some other games.

  • 3D Printed Case Design

    Matchy08/17/2014 at 17:04 1 comment

    Ordered my first ever 3D printed design today for this project and due to be shipped later this month. Used gmax 3D modelling software (3DStudio Max Lite) and the cost for 3D printing and shipping was $40 for 2 units in black.

  • Project Schematic

    Matchy08/17/2014 at 16:57 0 comments

  • System Design Diagram

    Matchy08/17/2014 at 16:49 0 comments

    The gaming system consists of a microprocessor running custom code to receive user game-pad inputs and produce color visuals and sound to suit video games.

View all 7 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Any Arduino that can use the ST7735 TFT 160x128 display. Although they may work, this has not been tested with other displays but uses the Adafruit GFX library and the Space Invaders remake demo was designed only for 160x128 and tested only on this display.

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golumolupk wrote 11/07/2024 at 09:27 point

The WINPKRVIP game exceeded all my expectations! It’s visually stunning, with each environment feeling so interactive and immersive. The gadgets make gameplay engaging and let you play in unique ways. The quests are incredibly well-designed, and challenging enough to be satisfying but not overwhelming. And playing with friends brings a whole new level of fun! It’s the game you want to keep returning to, full of charm and adventure. To play this game click the link

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Tachion wrote 10/15/2022 at 13:02 point

meybe add knob? and tempest qame :)

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Matchy wrote 08/19/2014 at 03:41 point
Solar panels arrived today and read an fantastic article:

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Matchy wrote 08/17/2014 at 20:16 point
If it wasn't for this weeks deadline, I wouldn't have ordered 3D printed case so early. So I have taken the opportunity to send my design to printer and am excited to see the results, and that it will be ready for the next phase. I've modeled meshes before but had no idea how my design will turn out in physical form as I haven't design or printed anything else before.

There are also some solar panels and LiPo charger to arrive and I think it might be a good addition as it keeps in the frame of compact and portable. The TFT displays the proper brightness at 5V so I use a step-up regulator.

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andyhull wrote 08/03/2014 at 18:00 point
Oooh.. much nicer display than the ubiquitous monochrome Nokia 5110 - I think I might have to play with those...

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Matchy wrote 08/05/2014 at 15:19 point
You might want to pick up a 2.2" (LI9341) also as they all fit UNO shields with 5110 sockets.

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Matchy wrote 08/02/2014 at 17:06 point
Wishlist: design and construct prototype 3D printed case.

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