As my final univeristy project I'm implementing some algorithms for SLAM for a robot with a LIDAR. LIDARs are expensive for hobby projects, and I'm trying to build a cheap little robot and implement SLAM with a few cheap sensors, like IR or ultrasonic distance sensors.
I'm also interested in IMUs and sensor fusion, so the robot has a accelerometer + gyro module and a magnetometer module.
For implementing the algorithms, I will use Matlab. The connection between the robot and the computer will be made by bluetooth.
I will update this projects as soon as I will get results.
Motor driver module
L298N Stepper Motor Driver Controller Board
GY-273/HMC5883L 3-Axis Digital Compass Module
I didn't updated this page because my final project was changed a bit, but I'm going to update it in a few months with my results explained and the code.
Did you manage to implement slam algorithm?