TODO list:
- dissassembly - DONE!
- LCD hack - DONE!
- eagle PCB templata - DONE!
- design simple PCB board with STM - in progress
- Some basics project:
- voltmeter
- temperature datalogger
- PWM parameter measure
- maybe IR remote
I want to hack cheap china 2 dollar MP3 player. Next step is design my own small dev board with STM32 and put it into original package.
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TODO list:
Today I receive my package:
Some errors ( :( )
- wrong position of LCD pads - should be more in right and down position
- soldermask on "buttons" - but I can easy fix this
- a little different pinout to jack plug, but it is still ok to solder
Quality of PCB - GREAT! :)
Unfortunately - only one output pin (on jack), but we can also use SWDIO and SWCLK. Order from China so I need to wait 3-4weeks to test it.
I've created schematic and board with all important elements on its positions:
Eagle files:
The most valuable from this device is of course LCD. But first I didn't know what controller is in it.
Simple debug connections:
Problem with connection to saleae:
At this point I can copy value from uc to LCD and retransmit it, buf then I've found this site:
with explanation about LCD type. It is UC1701. We cen use arduino library u8glib to play with it.
As display PCB I use universal board for uC:
So I can easy connect LCD to breadboard.
What can we find in 2 dollars MP3 Player:
- nice custom package
- graphic lcd (uc1701) 128x64px
- Li-Po battery (I think ~100mAh)
- USB connector
- Jack 3.5mm connector ( Mouser #161-3334-E )
- SD card slot
- on/off switch ( )
- membrane keyboard
- asic for mp3 player (I think useless)
For 2 dollars!
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I just got mine in the mail!
Are you planning on fixing the positions of things on the PCB and then releasing a new version?
is this doing same as this website
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