11Build the Kitchen Unit
Component Needed:
- Huzzah Feather
- TFT Featherwing
- M2.5 Screws
- Kitchen Case and Cover 3D files
- 3.7 Lipo 500mAh battey
- Small dab of mounting putty
- Glue
- Tactile button (7mm height)
- On/Off Switch
- USB wall charger and USB cable
- 0.1 uF capacitor, 200K resistor, 1M resistor
- Upload the kitchen_unit.ino file to the Huzzah selected for the Kitchen Unit (this Huzzah will use regular headers).
- Load images onto the SD card. Insert the card and the feather onto the TFT Featherwing.
- Plug in the unit and connect to the CompostProfessor_XXX wifi network to set-up wifi and ensure that the code works.
- Solder the on/off switch, tactile switch, and voltage measuring components (resistors and capacitors) as indicated in the diagram below. (Note - the TFT Featherwing has inputs for jumper cables. You can solder jumper cables to the end to insert into the proper Feathering holes).
- Place the button and on/off switch into the case. The on/off switch will click into place. You will need to secure the reset button with a small dap of glue, or better, by screwing a small screw underneath the button from the rear.
- Insert the battery and use a small dap of mouting putty to keep the battery in place.
Note - for detailed instructions for a similar system, check out this link: https://learn.adafruit.com/3d-printed-case-for-adafruit-feather/cad?view=all#tft-feather-wing
12Down the Instructions File to understand how to operate the system (in the downloads section)
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