The LEO-1 is a complete 16-bit computer system featuring a custom-designed CPU. The project has been in progress (on and off) since May 2015. Main features:
- 16 bit data bus.
- 24 bit address bus (16 megaword address space).
- Custom CPU with RISC instruction set (no microcode).
- Mostly built from 74HC series integrated circuits.
- Four tier design - ALU board, Register board, Control board, Memory & devices board.
- 640 kilowords of ROM, 3 megawords of RAM.
- Fast and slow modes with single step facility.
- Target clock speed was 1MHz in fast mode. It actually works reliably at 4MHz.
- Most important signals and buses displayed on 256 front panels LEDs.
- Integrated VDU card with monochrome character graphics (40 width/height modes).
- Real Time Clock and DIP switch devices.
- Four expansion ports for external devices, IDE and general-purpose I/O.
- Expansion devices should include thermal receipt printer and custom keyboard.
Thanks. It seems to be working very well. It can run a self-test continuously for hours without going wrong. There were some very annoying mechanical oversights and several very 'interesting' problems getting it to be stable. The I/O still needs some work, but the video is working. I am planning to update the blog but I am behind and have so much to write it will take a while. I have been working on the assembler because the original version is a quick and dirty one which is buggy and under featured. I hope I have time to do all the things I have in mind for LEO-1.
Thanks. I haven't had time yet to write about my flip-dot project. If you'd like I can send you the schematics...? It's actually 32x16 (two 16x16 panels).
Here are a few videos: