

A delta-bot making hand brew coffee (oh, the irony).

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Debrew is a delta-bot making hand brew dripper coffee. Water flow rate, grind coarseness and positions of the two above the filter, is controlled with stepper motors and water temperature is controlled with PID. Since the process of making hand brew is so difficult, the pre-soak/extraction process can be visualized and edited in an online web interface with drag-drop functionality. Support for different profiles/coffe types. Basic UI with possibility of selecting pre-defined profiles (from the web UI). The whole thing is controlled with a BeagleBone Black/Replicape/Manga Screen combo.

I've drawn up a quick sketch of the system design. So the main components are the main board connected to the touch screen display via HDMI. It also uses the USB for the capacitive multi-touch. And then you have your water heater and the grinder. Those grey boxes there are Relays, one is controlled with the "fan" output on the main board and the other is controlled with the "extruder heater" output. The reason for doing that is so the software can be used as is. Both relays could be controlled withe the heater/extruder outputs, but it would require a software hack. Then there are 5 end stops connected to the five stepper motors. The steppers are A, B, C for the columns of the Delta bot and then one stepper for controlling the flow of water and finally one for setting the coarseness of the coffee grinder.

Below is a screenshot of the interface for running the brew.

The above profile was created by using the drag-n-drop interface you see below. There is a set of discrete operations that can be combined in separate sections that together make up the final recipe.

  • debrew 2.0 video

    Elias Bakken05/20/2015 at 21:28 0 comments

    A friend of mine has a new startup and he asked me to help out with a video for his product. Here it is! It shows Debrew 2.0:)

  • New revision of the hardware underway

    Elias Bakken03/07/2015 at 19:29 0 comments

    To cuten things up a bit and hopefully also squash a few bugs in the process, I've started working on a version 2.0. The most important changes is the use of open beam and the Kossel mini as a starting point. A spicy detail is having the stepper motors and belts conatined in the top housing and using rods for moving the carriages below the house. I'll also try to include a servo motor with a spoon on it so stirring can be done as well. Three tools, oh my!

  • New Debrew video

    Elias Bakken01/29/2015 at 12:51 0 comments

    A reporter for a Norwegian tech magazine ( stopped by last week to do a story and make a video on Debrew. The story was in Norwegian, but the video turned out all right :)

  • Youtube intro video posted!

    Elias Bakken08/20/2014 at 01:15 0 comments

    Here it is, the video:

  • Debrew BBB flasher image ready!

    Elias Bakken08/20/2014 at 01:05 0 comments

    Oh, don't you just love it when someone has prepared all the software you need for a project and wrapped it up in a tight little package? Well I sure do, and that's why I have made a complete BeagleBone Black flasher image with all the needed software for making a clone of Debrew. So when you have all the parts printed, the steppers installed, the beans in the container, go to this localtion, and download this image:

    The file size should be


    and the md5 sum should be


    If you are on a Linux box you can flash the image to a 4GB micro sd card by typing this in a terminal: 

    sudo -s 

     xz -dkc BBB-eMMC-flasher-debrew-v2014-06-2014.08.20.img.xz | pv -s 3430m > /dev/sdX 


    where sdX is your drive letter. (probably e or f)

    Once the flashing process is complete, which should take about five minutes, all the blue leds light up and you can remove the SD card and cycle power.

  • Color palette for the interfaces

    Elias Bakken08/20/2014 at 00:42 0 comments

    I'm no designer, let me tell you, but one tool that is very useful for anyone, designer or not is a web page called I sometimes use that when doing web development, and also this time for the Debrew project. It's a great place to put together a palette and make patters for it as well. So here is a link to the palette for debrew:

  • Debrew embedded UI ready for download!

    Elias Bakken08/19/2014 at 23:57 0 comments

    So I've also put together an .ipk for the Debrew embedded UI. This is a Python app written using Clutter and with Gobject introspection for the Python bindings. Right now, the only thing it does is show a logo and post messages comming in.

    It does that by listening to a virtual tty device file and once a message is available it is read and posted for 2 seconds. This is actually the implementation of the G-code M117. Debrew is really a CNC machine, and so the daemon running in the background (Redeem) pushes M117 messages to the same virtual tty. So now, starting with an Angstrom V2014.06 distro, or ideally a Thing image (dedicated Debrew image coming soon), try this: 

    opkg update

    opkg install debrew-app

    Thats it! Your screen should lightt up like the picture below. If you have a different resolution, fix that in /etc/debrew/ui.json. 

  • Debrew web UI ready for installation

    Elias Bakken08/19/2014 at 23:25 0 comments

    So I've made an .ipk package of the web user interface for Debrew! This is good news, because anyone who wants to have the latest user interface can install it via the package feed. To install the web UI, simply type 

    opkg update

    opkg install debrew-frontend

    systemctl restart lighttpd

    and then, with your favourite browser, go to http://debrew.local to see the familiar UI. No need to manually copy over the files any more! Yay!

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Reinhardt wrote 02/11/2017 at 14:25 point

Nice :)

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Moley Hackeral wrote 10/09/2014 at 15:15 point
I would love to see more details of the grinder assembly. Did you hack that together or is it a commercial product?

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Elias Bakken wrote 10/09/2014 at 15:18 point
It is a regular commercial grinder that has been stripped down and automated. It's one of the most sold, I think and goes for about $100. I've added a cogwheel to it so that I can set the coarseness with a stepper motor.

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Yannick (Gigawipf) wrote 10/09/2014 at 11:11 point
really cool.
This would make my morning more interesting.

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Elias Bakken wrote 08/19/2014 at 14:21 point
HnrikPss: I'm making a BBB-flasher image now : )

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HnrikPss wrote 08/19/2014 at 13:57 point
Great Project, are the files already available. Must have for the office.....

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Adam Fabio wrote 08/19/2014 at 06:10 point
Coffee is serious business for hackers and engineers. I need one of these!

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