We're building a robotic duck capable of not just articulated movement, but tricked out with its own LED lighting, capacitive touch sensors, laser diode eyes, camera-based object recognition, and a flamethrower. Why, you ask? Because it's ducking awesome.
The whole thing will be wirelessly controllable via the web, so you won't need a crazy controller to join in the madness!
Also, the duck in the picture was way too small. We've since upgraded to an 8" model.
After wiring ALL of the wires, we've managed simultaneous control of our articulation servo, led light bar, neopixel lighting, touch sensing, laser beaming and quack-producing speaker using only the pro mini to drive it all. It looks a bit like this:
We also received the 5V spark gap generator from Sparkfun and have managed to get a successful flame lit from it - video on that is coming soon.