We can use the FPGA to do fast numerical integration to solve differential equation models of neurons. This page describes a couple of neuron models and their solution by DDA techniques. Eugene Izhikevich developed a simple, semiempirical, model of cortical neurons. There are two state variables for each neuron: v is the membrane potential and u is the membrane recovery variable. The differential equations, parameter settings and examples of model output are shown in


with a figure from Izhikevich's web site.

Implementation on the CycloneII FPGA
The model consists of several verilog modules which include (see also Ruben Guerrero-Rivera, et al below):

  • Soma model (cell body and spike generator)
    • Time constant of 16 time steps (nominal time step of 1/16 mSec)
    • Square-law dynamics (as explained in the History section below)
    • Settable a, b, c, d, and I parameters (as explained in the diagrams above)
  • Spike propagation delay (axon)
    • Delays of 1 to 64 time steps to simulate movement of a spike along an axon connection.
  • Chemical Synapse
    • Constant current source gated by an presynaptic action potential.
    • Exponential fall time constant settable at 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 time steps.
    • Synaptic weight settable between -1 (inhibitory) and +1 (excitatory).
    • Input to daisy-chain current from another synapse module or from a constant current bias.
  • Electrical Synapse
    • Current determined by a conductance and the voltage difference between two cells.
    • Rectifying (foward or backward) and symmetrical versions available.
    • Input to daisy-chain current from another synapse module or from a constant current bias.
  • Spike time dependent plasticity (STDP) learning unit to be attached to a synapse.
    • The module changes the weight of a synaptic connection depending on whether the postsynaptic spike follows (causal) or leads (non causal) the presynaptic input spike. Causal connnections are made stronger, noncausal weaker.
    • Exponential spike intereaction time constant settable at 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 time steps
    • The delta-weights for causal and noncausal changes are settable, as are an initial weight and a maximum weight.

Two reciprocal pairs with electrical synapse between them.
The top-level module (and project archive) instantiates 4 neurons with the following connections:

  1. Neuron 1 spike output is connected to
    1. Neuron 2 through a synapse with weight -0.016
    2. Neuron 3 through an electrical synapse with rectification and a conductance of 1/64. Current flow occurs only if v1>v2.
    3. LED 1
  2. Neuron 2 spike output is connected to
    1. Neuron 1 through a synapse with weight -0.016
    2. LED 2
  3. Neuron 3 spike output is connected to
    1. Neuron 4 through a synapse with weight -0.016
    2. Neuron 1 through an electrical synapse with rectification and a conductance of 1/64. Current flow occurs only if v1>v2.
    3. LED 3
  4. Neuron 4 spike output is connected to
    1. Neuron 3 through a synapse with weight -0.016
    2. LED 4

The two pairs of cells sync up because the weak excitatory coupling provided by the electrical synapse tend to make cells 1 and 3 fire at the same time. Note that the electrical synapse module needs to know the voltage in both cells and can inject current into both cells.

Reciprocal pair with STDP-modifed synapse to a third neuron
The top-level module (and project archive) instantiates 3 neurons with the following connections:

  1. Neuron 1 spike output is connected to
    1. Neuron 2 through a synapse with weight -0.016
    2. Neuron 3 through a synapse with STDP and an initial weight of zero. The STDP weight increments are adjusted so that the firing of neuron 3 eventually syncs up with neuron one.
    3. LED 1
  2. Neuron 2 spike output is connected to
    1. Neuron 1 through a synapse with weight -0.016
    2. LED 2
  3. Neuron 3 spike is not used, just sent to LED 3 for monitoring

The three images below show the initial, unsynced voltages (neuron 1 on bottom, neuron 3 on top), an intermediate state, and the final conveged state generated by the verilog module above....

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