This machine will use an old PC equipped with parallel port to create inexpensive control system for large V plotter/pyrography machine. PC will have two programs. First one will convert black and white images, to series of simple motor instructions for second program. Second program will read those simple instructions and run the stepper motors. Individual pins of the parallel port will drive either 7400-series logic, or PIC micro, or AVR micro, or Arduino, to increase the number of output lines to at least 12, needed to run 3 stepper motors. After logic, there will be a motor driver part, which will consist either of individual transistors driving the stepper motor coils, or made with some off-the-shelf solution. Two stepper motors will be placed high on the wall, each turning a spool of fishing line. Two fishing lines will meet at the toolhead, which will have a 3rd stepper motor, used to raise or lower the chosen tool onto the workpiece. Expected tools are a marker for poster drawings, and wood burning tool, for pyrography.