Toscanini is an evolution from Kubelik and Dorati which eeks out more current from the DAC chips by tweaking their reference voltage (pin 7). More current gives lower noise and clearer sound.
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02/12/2023 at 03:38
Dorati is the evolution of Kubelik through deleting the opamps. So now it qualifies as a 'multibit DAC with fully discrete output stage'. Also it foregoes the inter-sample over headroom that was a feature of Kubelik and operates on a more convenient 12-15V power rail.
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05/24/2022 at 09:10
Updated PhiDAC hex schematic - this one corresponds to the kits which are available for sale on DIYAudio. Minor updates to the level shifters and a swap from CJ431 to TL431 for improved reliability in case a DAC chip draws too much current.
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07/14/2020 at 10:56
Son-of-lingDAC is called PhiDAC - its much simpler, easier to build and cuts the labour involved in creating an audiophile-sounding DAC by half to two thirds.
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01/08/2019 at 07:01
Top board of the 3 board stack, this can be configured as a line output or a headphone buffer to drive low impedance cans directly. The schematic as shown is the headphone variant, optimised for 56ohm cans (HD668B were the ones I tested with). To handle line out duty, reduce the output capacitor values (C5,C7), increase R10,R18 to 47k and reduce the bias (R8,16 change to 56ohm).
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04/06/2018 at 12:37
Here's a measurement of the frequency response of a prototype lingDAC made by generating white noise in Audacity and recording it with a Sony PCM-M10 at 96kHz sample rate. Then examine the resulting file (30s long) in Audacity's 'Analyze - Plot Spectrum' function.