02/08/2015 at 09:39 • 0 comments -
09/10/2014 at 06:28 • 0 commentsSo, finaly som progress :) I managed to get version 2 of my pcb done and solderd all of the components to it. It is not the prettiest pcb but then again it is not the ugliest either. And I love it lika a mother loves a child ;)
Here it is right after etching. Some issues (obviousely) still remain to be fixed with the process but overall it is ok.
And here it is after soldering.
Next step is to verify it actually works! Connect it to the programmer and upload firmware...
Brain fart...
08/25/2014 at 14:03 • 0 commentsSo, what has happened since...well... since ever? It turns out i had a major brain fart when i designed the pcb. For some reason i used an atmega8515 for the eagle schematic and then used an atmega32 when i soldered the circuit. Not good. Well, after banging my head in the wall for some minutes i managed to "hack" the pcb to actually get it working. But then i decided to redo the pcb. And this is where the shit really hit the fan. I have tried 5 times to get a nice pcb (etching my own at home). Any how, i am not giving up, just need to find a stable process for manufacturing my own pcb :) Oh the joy!