
Mesh Robot - ViVi

A WiFi mesh network based robot, which controlled by phone and is programmable.

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ViVi is a Robot developed by DOIT, in Shenzhen, China. ESP8266 is utilized as MCU for ViVi. We developed a Mesh network library for this robot, so several robots can construct a Mesh network automatically when they power up. Messages or commands can be broadcast to each robot in this Mesh network. What's more, you can send messages (commands) to one or more specified robot(s) in the Mesh. We use phone (Android and iPhone/iPad are both support) as controller. You can control all the robots in the Mesh at the same time by sending commands from ViVi App on your phone.

Each robot plays as a node in the Mesh. When new robot power up, he will join the Mesh he found automatically as a new node, and then
he can receive message from other node in the Mesh.

* ESP8266 inside, support STA+AP mode, 4MB flash size, utilizing SPIFFS
* Mesh network supported
* Provide App for both Android and iOS devices
* Lowcost
* Open source (App excluded), fit for Geeker


The ViVi Mesh robot firmware

octet-stream - 346.13 kB - 09/09/2017 at 03:09



The ViVi robot firmware (without mesh)

octet-stream - 4.00 MB - 09/09/2017 at 03:03


  • 1 × ViVi controller board The main board contain ESP8266
  • 18 × steering engine Buy it from DOIT
  • 1 × ViVi Robot kits Contain body, hands, lags
  • 1 × ViVi firmware Download from ViVi Robot github repository
  • 1 × Battery A high capacity battery

View all 6 components

  • How to assemble ViVi

    Wei Wang09/09/2017 at 04:02 0 comments

    Read the assembling document on ViVi Robot github repository for details on how to assemble the robot. The following figure shows assemble main board with battery.

    The following figure shows each part of the robot:

    The following figure shows how to assemble right arm:

  • Create project on hackaday

    Wei Wang09/09/2017 at 02:57 0 comments

    2017.9.9  Create project on hackaday

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Quick start step 1

    Download ViVi App to your phone. The App support for both Android device and iOS device, including phone and tablet. You can download ViVi Robot App for Android from the following links: 



  • 2
    Quick start step 2

    Connect your phone to Robot’s AP. The Robot works as AP. When ViVi Robot power up, wait for about 5 seconds, you can connect your phone with the Robot AP by changing WiFi SSID to the Robot AP, whose SSID shown as "ViVi-xxxx".

  • 3
    Quick start step 3

    When your phone connect to the Robot AP successfully, run the App to connect with the robot by clicking the “connect robot” button on App. After the robot is connected successfully, you can go to the controlling/programming page on App to interact with the robot.

View all 3 instructions

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mustafacey wrote 06/21/2024 at 22:59 point

Hi, I bought plastic parts and control board and servos (ES08MA II) at different times; but servo horns are not suitable to these servos. What can I do? I think servo horns are most important mechanical parts.

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Johan Huanca wrote 02/20/2023 at 15:19 point

como descargo el motion editor para este robot?

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cybertec02 wrote 05/02/2021 at 10:49 point

i am able to connect to the board's wifi but when running the app it doesnt detect plen2

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BHSKAR PRASAD wrote 03/08/2019 at 16:53 point

@Wei Wang could you please suggest me a better battery for this vivi robot, i have  4xAAA Ni-Mh battery pack (full charged), i tried with vivi but no luck...

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waleed wrote 01/12/2019 at 15:18 point

hello, if i disconnect usb to ttl from the doit board, wifi not work.

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crom1 wrote 10/03/2018 at 09:53 point

hello, i load vivi firmware 7.3 its ok. I connect vivi with android smartphone and go development mode. when change servo and click home. is not save my modifs. that will be solve the problem ? Thanks and best regards.

why is the firmware.ino.nodemcu.bin. ?

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mihailo700ee wrote 04/05/2018 at 07:11 point

dear friend, hello, need help with the firmware 


The ViVi Mesh robot firmware
octet-stream - 346.13 kB - 09/09/2017 at 03:09 


The ViVi robot firmware (without mesh)
octet-stream - 4.00 MB - 09/09/2017 at 03:03

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bahadirgulcu60 wrote 11/02/2017 at 08:31 point

Dear Wang 

It is perfect robot, but I have some questions. I want to buy vivi board,but I wonder if it is controlled by arduino joystick shield wirless(nrf module). I have looked at board and I noticed a connection Rx TX for programming pins. So Can I plug in a nrf24 it . So Can I  make WiFi Communication between  robot and joystick. I will write software.

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tossaporn.tik wrote 10/06/2017 at 02:44 point

I have read about this case before , so I have bought new battery and fully charge out of the robot and connect them after charged. They still acting the same as I have mention.  I thought may  be , I will buy new control board and test. what you think? that will be solve the problem or not? Thanks and best regards.

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Wei Wang wrote 10/08/2017 at 02:49 point

@tossaporn.tik  Hi, can you provide the link you bought this robot? Maybe you can send it back to the seller. If you bought the robot from the links we provided as we mention above, we will be able to receive your robot and then solve the problem for you. Thanks.

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tossaporn.tik wrote 10/06/2017 at 02:38 point

Thanks so much for your advise.

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tossaporn.tik wrote 10/05/2017 at 03:18 point

Dear Sir

I have bought Vivi robot from Aliexpress, I have control the robot with android mobile phone.But they always disconnected even we have test with many mobile phone.
And sometime they can work ,when we push bow ,the robot operate and fall down. If we control the step forward  continuous they hang out and disconnected. Sometime , when we start the robot push on the switch all the servo twist. I need your help suggest what to do , this happen cause of hardware (board) or software?

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Wei Wang wrote 10/06/2017 at 02:35 point

@tossaporn.tik Hi, I think the problem is that your battery has not enough power. I faced the issue before. When power is not enough, the robot will not act as normal. 

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Konstantin wrote 09/18/2017 at 09:07 point

Is possible to connect any external sensors to ViVi robot main board?

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Wei Wang wrote 09/19/2017 at 00:58 point

Hi Konstantin, currently, ViVi is not able to connect external sensors.

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Konstantin wrote 09/19/2017 at 06:45 point

Is possible to use UART connector on this board for connect external MCU?

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Wei Wang wrote 09/19/2017 at 08:08 point

Yes, you can connect the UART on ViVi main board with external MCU.

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