
LPS2 nano

Miniature module for indoor localisation

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LPS2 nano - Local Positioning System. Successor to

* Role:
- TWR anchor / tag.
- RTDoA anchor / tag.
- TDoA anchor (requires a carrier board) / tag.
- PDoA/AoA anchor (requires >= 2 LPS2 nano placed on a carrier board) / tag.
- TREK1000 compatible tag.

* MCU: nRF52832

* I/O:
- 22 GPIO, 6 of them with ADC.
- I2C.
- SPI.
- BLE.

* Sensors:
- 9 DOF: accelerometer, gyro and magnetometer (LSM6DSL + LIS2MDL).
- Altimeter (LPS22HB).

* Supply voltage: 2.8-3.6V.

* Size: 19.1x36 mm.

* Antenna: Decawave PCB antenna (channel 5).

* Other features:
- NFC (uses 2 GPIO pins).
- External clock and sync.
- Can be used stand-alone or soldered onto a carrier board.

* DWM1001 compatible, but adds more sensors and external clock / sync.

  • 1 × DW1000 IEEE802.15.4-2011 UWB Transceiver
  • 1 × nRF52832 Bluetooth5/ANT/2.4GHz SoC with Cortex M4F
  • 1 × LSM6DSL 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope
  • 1 × LIS2MDL 3-axis magnetometer
  • 1 × LPS22HB Altimeter / Barometer

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Göran Nordahl wrote 05/07/2018 at 08:18 point

We have already produced a couple of hundred LPS2 nano and even made some carrier boards for both LPS2 Nano and DWM1001 (e.g. a board with LoRa, air quality sensor, etc). Currently overloaded with other development (e.g. a fun board to combine range measurements on 2.4 GHz and UWB with GPS), so the updates here lags behind.

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Daniel wrote 05/06/2018 at 22:27 point

Does the project continue? There wasn't any info for long time.

Thanks :)

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Dave wrote 03/06/2018 at 18:30 point

Goran, re: your post on 13Nov, DWM1001 has been out for a few months now and I am curious if you have worked with it some.  My team has built an RTLS solution around that decawave platform, and we are now in search of a small coin-battery powered tag that uses DWM1001.  Might be something you can help with?  Thanks, Dave.

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Moritz Hoffmann wrote 03/01/2018 at 11:54 point

Hi, can you share the Antenna design? I would like to use it for a smiliar project.

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leandro wrote 12/14/2017 at 12:52 point

Yes, it does. The U.FL. connector  is a interesing information. Do you think that is possible a TDOA system with 4 antennas with distances of 30cm?
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30cm              30cm
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Thank you!

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Göran Nordahl wrote 12/14/2017 at 12:54 point

I am certain it can be done.

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leandro wrote 12/13/2017 at 19:36 point

Sorry, my english is not good.
Do you have prevision to sale LPS2 nano? I think in send TCXO clock of main board to 4 LPS2 nano via 551SDCGI clock buffer, with a cable of 30cm between main board e board with LPS2 nano. Do you think that is possible use CLK output of 551SDCGI direct in the pin "EXT 38.4MHz IN" of LPS2 nano? The cable have CLOCK, SYNC, VCC, GND and SPI (CLK,CS,MOSI and MISO). The main board have the clock generator and clock buffer and a raspberry pi3 to comunicate with LPS2 nano via SPI and send SYNC pulse. The raspberry pi will use de tag read in all LPS2 to calculate TDOA position.  

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Göran Nordahl wrote 12/13/2017 at 21:03 point

I suppose my language skills are equally bad (or a lot worse) when it comes to your native tongue :-) But there is one word I do not understand: prevision? We currently have a first little larger batch in production. Does that answer your question?

It might be needed with a DC block capacitor between your clock buffer and LPS2 nano. Except for that it will work. It will also help with some glue logic to get the SYNC timing right. Depending on your performance requirements it might prove useful to cut off the PCB antenna microstrip and solder in a U.FL. connector (footprint already on the PCB) and use a different antenna. It all depends on your application.

Another possible option is letting one LPS2 nano control the others and only let your Raspberry Pi communicate to one single board instead of all four.

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leandro wrote 12/13/2017 at 15:47 point

Hi. Your NCB AoA use some clock buffer(ex: 551SDCGI) to distribute 38.4mhz signal or distribute direct TCXO clock to LPS2 nano? 

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Göran Nordahl wrote 12/13/2017 at 15:49 point

Clock buffer

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Göran Nordahl wrote 11/13/2017 at 05:46 point

The antenna of DWM1001 and LPS2 nano is not official. If you can fit a slightly larger version you can download WB001 from the Decawave web. The larger version handles all bands, while this smaller antenna only is intended for channel 5.

We can do a custom design for you if needed. Drop us an email:

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justinlee wrote 11/13/2017 at 08:40 point

No, we don't need custom design, we want to use it. why not open source?

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Göran Nordahl wrote 11/13/2017 at 12:07 point

Our first generation boards (LPS and LPS Mini) are Arduino compatible. Source code is sent to our customers. Schematics is available for everyone to see. Our second generation of boards (LPS2, LPS2 Mini, LPS2 nano) are not as open, but we can package FW and HW building blocks to sell.

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justinlee wrote 11/13/2017 at 08:42 point

maybe we buy some LPS2 nano, how much?

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Göran Nordahl wrote 11/13/2017 at 12:08 point

Not yet sure. We are currently ramping up production. If you do not need the extra sensors or external clock and sync I recommend using DWM1001 instead. It will soon be available e.g. from DigiKey.

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justinlee wrote 11/13/2017 at 03:38 point

or your pcb design, can we reference it?

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justinlee wrote 11/13/2017 at 03:37 point

Perfect, i also want to do it.  where is the ANT reference design?

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Göran Nordahl wrote 11/13/2017 at 12:10 point

We have not yet had any use for ANT. It is supported by the HW, but not implemented in FW.

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