
Sentence Hot Key for Writers and Bloggers Using Ar

A circuit for writers and bloggers that prints words or sentence on press so you don't have to type keywords in document multiple times.

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I like to blog about my work in electronics. But blogging or writing can be frustrating sometimes when you have to type in same keyword or any sentence multiple times in a single blog or article. So I created a small tool using Arduino, where you can put hardcore the words or sentences. So if you push a specific button, it will automatically type in the hard coded keyword on your blog or article. So you don't have to struggle with the copy paste again.

This project uses 'Keyboard' function in Arduino. Keyboard function is only supported in Arduino Due and Leonardo. So when you connect your arduino to your laptop or computer, you can write a keyboard function to send a particular key or mouse instructions. I have hard coded few sentences and words which I use regularly to do SEO in my blog. Its an awesome tool when you have repeated task.

This video explains it all. You can also look into instructions for steps to create this project.

Sentence-Hot-Key-for-Writers-and-Bloggers-Using-Arduino (1).png


Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 89.86 kB - 10/14/2017 at 12:05


  • 1 × Arduino Leonardo Pro Micro
  • 5 × Tactile Switch
  • 10 × One to One Connector
  • 1 × Micro USB Cable

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    I like to blog about my work in electronics. But blogging or writing can be frustrating sometimes when you have to type in same keyword or any sentence multiple times in a single blog or article. So I created a small tool using Arduino, where you can put hardcore the words or sentences. So if you push a specific button, it will automatically type in the hard coded keyword on your blog or article. So you don't have to struggle with the copy paste again.

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