
3v coin powered Articulated Mini Lamp

This is a 3d printed mini led lamp ran on a 3v coin battery.

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This is My LED mini articulated lamp. The lamp is a fully functional light source that runs off of a 3v coin battery. There is an on/off switch for saving power. The lamp also can be moved into different directions for ease of use. I designed this lamp because my hackerspace is pretty much my kitchen table and even though I have light, I need a more direct light to see small things I was working on. I don't think I am pushing the boundaries of a 3v power source for this contest. However, with a 3d printer some cad software and electronic know-how, I was able to design, fabricate and build my own 3v powered desk lamp.

I originally designed it for needing a light on what I was working on at the time. After searching the web for DIY lamps, I found Mr. Useful's popsicle led lamp. His Video is below. I then thought I could design my own in Cad. So that is what I did. I then printed the parts out and assembled using some nuts, bolts and magnets. I hot glued the led in place and then super glued some tinfoil on the inside of the lampshade. Installed the electronics and Valla. I used magnets on the top and bottom parts to have easy access. Inside the bottom, you could hold spare coin batteries. Or add some weight to it.


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Standard Tesselated Geometry - 85.04 kB - 11/30/2017 at 12:07


  • 1 × 20mm Coin Cell Breakout w/On-Off Switch (CR2032)
  • 1 × 20mm 3v coin I took mine from some flickering halloween candles i had left over.
  • 3 × 3mm x 20mm bolts including the nuts
  • 1 × 5" x 5" tin foil square
  • 1 × red and black 22gage wire roughly 8" will do

View all 9 components

  • 1
    How to 3d print this lamp.

    First thing is you will need a 3d printer. If you have or have access to a 3d printer please continue. You can either download the files off this site or go to my Thingiverse page here for the files...

  • 2
    How to build the Lamp

    Step 1. Take both thinner sticks and attach them to the lamp head with a 3mm nut and bolt. Making sure that the lamp head is in the center of the 2 thinner sticks.

    Step 2. Place one end of the Thicker stick inbetween the thinner sticks and secure with 3mm nut and  bolt.

    Step 3. Now place the other end of the thicker stick in the slot of the lamp base top and secure with 3mm nut and bolt. *note the orientation of the lamp base top. You want the longer flat part to face forward twards the lamp head like in this photo.

    Step 4. Now making sure your magents are facing the proper direction, (you want them to attract) super glue them into the lamp base top and lamp base bottom. *Note I glued one into the top first then attached a magnet to it making sure that it was going in the right direction before gluing to the bottom. 

  • 3
    Installing Electronics and reflectant

    Next thing you want to do is make your Led and your hot glue gun ready. Place the led into the inner part of the lamp head top hole and spread your leads holding the bulb in place. Then press the led tight against the hole and hot clue from the outside into the hole and hold till cool.

    Now solder your red and black wires to your led and weave through the arm or attach how you see fit. 

    Take your coin cell breakout and solder the other end of your powe cables *Note I soldered the red to the power that uses the on/off switch here.

    Hotglue the breakout to the lamp top base. Place a battery into the sleave and you should now be able to switch on and have light.

    For an added Brightness, I took some shapped tinfoil and super glued it into the inside of the lamp head for a more reflective aspect.

    This completes the Build and you should have yourself a nice small and mobil lamp for your work area.

View all 3 instructions

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