It was friday evening, on my desk there was already a few rings from coffee mug .Making progress with coin cell challenge,I was half way thru sketch of magnetic bearing to pic-o-matic main disk.The cold air came from nowhere, as I was going to draw another line in 3d cad."Something don't feels right" thought raced thru my mind.I heard a few water drops behind me.Turning in my chair, I saw him.He was siting in corner of my room, in long wet coat, without hurry putting on tobacco in his pipe.All what I can see in a mild shock was his clerical collar and eyes that could see inside a soul.Stared at me for a second.Then with calm, confident yet a little hoarse voice said: "It won't work, I tried".The ringing in my ears faded, heart stopped hitting ribs.The man pulled from his pocket newest <sponsored ad opportunity> smartphone and send me link to wiki article. Being absorbed by the article I didn't see when Mr.Earnshaw leave the place.All I know is that he was right, and I have to find another way to make my gizmo rotor work.
All details coming soon.