

Thermometer, stopwatch, step mash tool, boiling and hop additions controller in a compact instrument !

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BrewBuddy is a compact device for helping homebrewers in their exhausting task of converting malts, hops and yeasts into happiness.

It can be used as a simple thermometer, like any other analog thermometer found in the market but aggregating time control via stopwatch. As you know, time and temperature walk together when brewing a nice beer.

Although BrewBuddy is not a controller, you can program your recipe using a step mash strategy. BrewBuddy will blink a led when an step is finished, indicating that you can heat the mosture again.

When boiling, it is very easy to program your hop additions, waiting for a BrewBuddy indication. Smartphones or additional devices are not required anymore!

BrewBuddy is powered by a regular CR2032 battery, running for 20h! Menus and configurations are simple and intuitive, you will learn all function in minutes.

You can program up to 10 steps/hop additions (time) and the last setup is automatically saved in non volatile memory.

If you are a homebrewer, the following videos will be self explanatory ...

KiCAD Project:



1/4 The current case design. Not finished, not totally functional. Help required !

step - 527.70 kB - 01/07/2018 at 13:03



2/4 The current case design. Not finished, not totally functional. Help required !

step - 164.41 kB - 01/07/2018 at 13:03



3/4 The current case design. Not finished, not totally functional. Help required !

step - 7.33 kB - 01/07/2018 at 13:03



4/4 The current case design. Not finished, not totally functional. Help required !

step - 8.36 kB - 01/07/2018 at 13:03


Gerber Files

Zip Archive - 47.56 kB - 01/04/2018 at 14:32


View all 6 files

  • 1 × U4 - STM32F030F4 TSSOP 20 Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSPs / ARM, RISC-Based Microcontroller
  • 5 × SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, SW5 - Tactile Switch Connectors and Accessories / Board Stacking Connectors
  • 1 × R5 - Resistor 3K 1206
  • 1 × C3 - Capacitor 4.7uF 1206 Capacitor
  • 1 × C7 - Capacitor 470nF 1206 Capacitor

View all 21 components

View all 4 project logs

  • 1
    Firmware Building
    • Create a new workspace using System Worbenck for STM32 (SW4STM32). For instance, /brewbuddy
    • Go to brewbuddy directory and clone this repository
    • Starts SW4STM32 and import the project: File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace
    • In the dialog, please set:
      • Select root directory: select your workspace directory, /brewbuddy
      • Select the brew buddy project
      • Do not check the option "copy projects into workspace"
    • Before compiling, check optimization as "Optimize for Size (-Os)", under Properties->C/C++ Build->Tool Settings->MCU GCC Compiler->Optimization
  • 2

    You need a SWD interface for writing and debugging brewbuddy firmware. I have been using a very inexpensive stlink v2 clone, like this one. Just remove the battery and connect the following lines (there is a connector - J1 -  in brewbuddy for this purpose):

    - SDIO

    - CLK

    - GND

    - VDD

    Reset line is not necessary. However, in your "brew_buddy Config.cfg" file, ensure the  line "reset_config none" is present.

    The original line, created by the compiler (reset_config srst_only srst_nogate connect_assert_srst) does not work when using stlink clone.

    You can use a stm32 discovery as jlink as well. In this case, it is not necessary to change the .cfg and it is recommended to connect the reset line.

  • 3

    The project was developed using KiCAD 4.0.2. All my environment is based on Linux but the project may open in KiCAD for windows as well. Some path adjustments may be required, although.

View all 4 instructions

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Rich text editor

jamesw wrote 02/28/2018 at 04:23 point

Gerber Files are not complete. Error received. The board outline layer contains an outline of the PCB area and slots to be milled. It should have an extension like .gml/.gko/.gbr. A board outline is required.

  Are you sure? yes | no

jamesw wrote 02/28/2018 at 04:34 point

File gm1 is named wrong, should be gml

  Are you sure? yes | no

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