
HydraNFC Shield v1

HydraNFC Shield v1.0 is an NFC hw shield to sniff/read/write/emulate any 13.56MHz NFC tags for advanced NFC Research/Dev/Debug/Hack/PenTest

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This shield is mainly used with HydraBus (with full support in hydrafw) but can also be used with other MCU.
Features of the HydraNFC Shield v1 board:
* Autonomous mode with 4 User buttons and 4 User LEDs.* Use HydraBus microSD card to save or load data (up to 32GB).
* Use Texas Instrument TRF7970A NFC chipset.
* External NFC antenna can read Mifare-One at up to 8cm (tested with 20cm cable with U.FL and SMA connector).
* Read / Display / Save Mifare Ultra Light tag data* Emulate Mifare Ultra Light tag (7Bytes UID and 64bytes data support) HydraNFC is fully supported by open source HydraBus firmware hydrafw:

Features of the HydraNFC embedded firmware HydraFW:

  • Virtual Serial Port access through microUSB with VT100 terminal/shell (compatible with any hardware supporting USB Virtual Serial port).
  • Basic UID read for Vicinity/ISO15693 (through shell command).
  • Basic UID read for ISO14443A tags (through shell command).
    • Scan mode display 4Bytes or 7Bytes UID for ISO14443A tags (include also Mifare...).
  • Sniffer mode in autonomous/stand-alone mode for ISO14443A including both PICC and PCD with data logged to microSD card (tested with success with Mifare Classic, Ultralight and shall work with any other ISO14443A NFC tags @106KHz).
    • Sniffer can be launched also with "sniff" command:
      • When stopped (K4 is pressed & released):
        • All sniffed data are displayed in console
        • If a MicroSD is present, it will automatically save the trace in a unique txt file
    • Advanced sniffer "sniff-debug" command same as "sniff " command but add:
      • After each 8bits/byte the parity (ASCII char "0" or "1" + space)
      • End Of Frame Timestamp (unit is 1/168MHz) + RSSI
  • Tag Emulation UID ISO14443A (Mifare 1K)

Tutorial for HydraNFC / TRF7970A:

Tutorial to use it with a BusPirate (can be also replaced by an Arduino or other MCU with SPI):

Planned features:

  • 1 × Texas Instrument TRF7970A Multi-Protocol Fully Integrated 13.56-MHz RFID/NFC Transceiver IC

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Benjamin Vernoux wrote 10/13/2014 at 19:43 point
Bonjour Mathieu,

Désolé mais il n'existe a ma connaissance aucune librairie trf7970a pour du 8bit
hormis les exemples de TI sur MSP430 qui est 16bits.
Je pense que l'utilisation du TRF7970A sur autre chose qu'un MCU 32bits > 72MHz
a très peu d’intérêt sauf pour lire un UID ou faire des choses très simples
(dans ce cas je conseil un chipset NXP PN532 qui est beaucoup plus haut niveau).
Tu peux toujours regarder le driver TRF7970A du firmware (hydrafw) pour
HydraBus ici:


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Mathieu Stephan wrote 10/15/2014 at 07:29 point

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Mathieu Stephan wrote 10/13/2014 at 19:34 point

Voyant le .fr, je me permets de t'écrire en francais.
Je viens de réaliser une petite board avec un ATMega32U4 et un TRF7970A. Etant donné que tu as l'air bien avancé avec ce chip, j'aurais voulu savoir s'il y avait une libraire 8 bits que je pourrais utiliser? Au pire je pourrais utiliser celles fournies par TI... mais quelque chose me dit que cela va être compliqué pour pas grand chose...


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