Dedicated board
08/19/2018 at 12:16 • 0 commentsSince March I have been working on a dedicated board to contain the whole system. Here is the link to the OSH park board
Caution - the output stage produces 80 volt peak to peak which is dangerous, but also within specs for the sonar transducer.
- This board has improved power supply decoupling and less ripple.
- It has an input for 5v power to supply the current for the 40volt internal step up supply.
- Microphone holes in the board are better and solder pattern better match specs
- Microphone holes are 2.7mm apart
- High accuracy clock
- Complete self-contained board.
- Minor amount of noise on the transducer output - sounds like noise from the MCU. Likely routing issue- capacitive coupled analog input close to digital output. Does not seem to affect performance.
Another option for the output stage
02/04/2018 at 11:42 • 0 commentsTI makes a combined boost converter and amplifier for piezo applications. Its called the DRV2700. Using this would reduce the parts count a bit, including reducing the resistors needed in the current opamp circuit. Will need to consider for future prototype.