Firmware progress
11/26/2015 at 19:03 • 0 commentsWe hired a firmware writer to help produce the Arduino driver for this board. We are still testing it, but the results look good.
Headphone out
08/17/2015 at 19:28 • 0 commentsWe will need to be delicate with the headphone out if trying to use it as a line in for various other Flex Modules. The impedance will be wrong obviously, but some boards do have no protection on negative signals.
Bought speakers
08/17/2015 at 19:26 • 0 commentsWe bough mini test speakers for props and hope to test them with this board soon.
DAC design complexities
08/17/2015 at 19:26 • 0 commentsThere are a couple recipes that TI shows, but it will be hard to do much else in the drivers as it takes a large amount of expertise to understand.
Working on drivers
08/17/2015 at 19:25 • 0 commentsWe have had interest in this board and so it is a priority for us.