
Lattefy Coffee Maker

Automated internet driven coffee maker.

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Lattefy Coffee Maker is a project to create a complete automatic coffee maker built around a dripping coffee maker. We are adding the option to choose different coffee grains and also to add milk, this can be done with the control panel mounted on the device or via the internet.

This coffee maker is our work for the projects subject that we have in our institute. We are reusing a coffee maker because of the pumping/heating system and the temperature switch, because this are driven with 220V and we feel more safe using ones already built.

The coffee maker (Lattefy) is going to be controlled with a raspberry pi, because it has internet connectivity and because we already had one, for the communication between Lattefy and any other device to make orders and report the status of the order we are going to use pushbullet which has a nice python API.

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi
  • 2 × Servo motor
  • 1 × Coffee Maker
  • 1 × Arduino
  • 1 × 16x2 LCD screen

View all 6 components

  • Finally christmas

    Polectron12/24/2014 at 15:19 0 comments

    Finally we have some time to continue with our project, we have already written a few lines of code and designed a bunch of concepts for lattefy.

    This are some concepts we have been making, developing with each iteration a more simple design easier to build.

    We have already bought the hardware we need but unfortunately it hasn't arrived yet so we have been working on the software, but not having the hardware to try our code makes it a bit difficult.

    The code we have written is divided in two child functions, one which checks pushbullet and another that listens the physical buttons, and a father process that processes the signals received by the child functions. Whenever you ask for coffee by pushbullet or by pressing the buttons on the control panel a signal is sent to the father process which then makes the coffee you ordered.

  • A heart which pumps hot water

    Polectron10/17/2014 at 19:46 0 comments

    We just bought the coffee maker and we took it apart, this are the parts that we need (they are all shown in the picture):

    Pumping and heating system

    Temperature switch

    Water tank

    Now we have to measure everything and buy the parts that we need, then we will be ready to start building the prototype.

  • Starting to code

    Polectron10/15/2014 at 21:04 0 comments

    At first we were planing to use Twitter as the communication system between Lattefy and other devices but after some problems with the API and after thinking that it wasn't secure enough, basically anyone could send a request to Lattefy, we decided to user pushbullet wich is a bit more secure, communication between devices is private and you have to know Lattefy's e-mail account to send it a request.

    At this moment the code, which can be seen in our github repository, is able to read messages and to answer them, components and complete functionality aren't decided yet so it can't do anything productive with your order.

    A request to Lattefy would be something like this:

    Requester: Coffee with milk

    Lattefy: *processes order*

    Lattefy: Order completed, you can pick up your coffee with milk

    This is an actual "conversation", in spanish, between Lattefy and me:

View all 3 project logs

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stefan.schnitzer wrote 10/11/2019 at 04:59 point

Hi, do you still work on this project ? I think it is a great idea.

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