
MSP430 Minimal

Simple Small MSP430 Value Line Breakout Boad

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I started to make a small breakout board for the MSP430 value line DIP processors (msp430g2452, msp430g2553, ...).

The first test is a temperature control system with an DS18B20 temperature probe and an external relais. This code is based on .

PCB and Code is available on github.

Board v1 available under (dirty cheap pcbs):

Although I have to admit the silkscreen is not very informative and I would also flip perhaps the order for the voltage regulator.

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  • Another Fried Launchpad

    lageos10/19/2014 at 14:53 0 comments

    One call for caution, the MSP430 launchpads are great and inexpensive but you have to be careful if using it for programming external tools (ESD, voltage levels).

    Therfore a little hold on my project :)

    The good thing is a launchpad isn't expensive and delivery is free from

  • Temp Control Running

    lageos10/15/2014 at 17:23 0 comments

    After some time waiting for my PCB (got it via dirty pcbs) I was able to start the first project: a simple temperature controler.

    A connected DS18B20 sensor determines the temperature and the microcontroler controls an external relais and subsequentially a peltier element.

    Currently in development is to set the processor in low power mode i.e. use interrupts and pwm for controling the relais.

    Next steps are to use a 8 pole dip switch to set the target temperature (fits nice in the breakout and avoid the need of an display) and uprgrade to a MOSFET or SSR.

    But it already works for keeping the coffee warm :)

    If you're interested the code (code composer studio project) as well as the board layout is available at github (encountered no problems yet which makes me proud for the first eagle desing I made).

    You can even order the board dircetly via:

    Although I have to admit the silkscreen is not very informative and I would also flip perhaps the order for the voltage regulator.

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