

An ESP8266 powered low-cost/low-energy WiFi controlled relay circut for DIY home-automation :D

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We all know the problem, you just made youself comfortable in front of your PC/TV with Pizza and everything, but.. you forgot to turn your light off.
So i decided to build an "internet of things thing" and make it possible to turn my light of within an iOS widget without even unlocking my phone.

I have no experience with iOS development, but luckily my university has :) so i got an educational dev license to write a small app that contains a button (inApp and in Notification center widget) who sends a POST request to my Raspberry pi's apache server, the PHP script executes a GPIO command to trigger the relay.

This solution is very ugly, very unsafe and too expensive for more then one switch, so i'm starting to experiment with everyones favorite WiFi Chip: the ESP8266.

So my current attempt is a Python server on the RPI that recieves a POST/GET request from a website or iOS/Android-App and deliver a simple TCP message to the right ESP module to trigger the relay.

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hubidrei wrote 03/06/2015 at 14:33 point

You only need a ESP8266, no extra µC like ATTINY. First flash new firmware and LUA programming language to the ESP, then you can directly use the ESP. For more information, searc the www for nodemcu

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Chace Butterworth wrote 02/06/2015 at 05:15 point I don't know if this is quite what you want, but I'm sure it can be adapted for use with either a shift register or ESP-03 for more relays. Maybe even just use my html folder with the original esp-httpd repo on git if you don't need the temp logger part.

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davedarko wrote 12/16/2014 at 16:14 point
Hey there! You might not even need an attiny for that, since the ESP8266 has some GPIOs itself, if you're willing to program it directly (I haven't done that myself but seen some guys doing that). Is your light switch directly switching the 230V or is it triggering a control voltage? Anyway, nice project!

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Jan wrote 12/16/2014 at 22:10 point
Hi davedarko,
thank you :) i already thougt about programming the ESP's own controller but at some point i also need to check if the light is on, and/or control multiple relays.. at first i think its simpler to just take an external controller ^^.

At the moment i use 5V output and 5V GPIO out from the RPI to trigger the relay. mabe 3.3V are enough to do that, i havent checked that jet.

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tveito wrote 01/07/2015 at 17:08 point

If you are using a raspberry pi to control it, 3.3V is enough to turn it on or off. The raspberry pi only have 3.3V on its GPIO's, so you are already there :)

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Jan wrote 01/09/2015 at 13:17 point

yes but the relay needs min 5V Power supply and all other Parts 3.3V max

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