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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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For project logs:
Putting a read more tag anywhere in a list will result in the following logs showing up as list elements in that list.
That's a really annoying bug. We'll get it fixed soon. Thanks for reporting it.
And gives an error
Thanks for the report alpha! I believe we have a ticket in with the devs to fix it already
A bunch of time travelers on the message board lately - when someone writes a messages it says "in an hour" for the time when it was written. At least for me. In Germany (greenwich +1 and summertime).
Funky Link at the HaD Blog's "Now On .io" for project 114 #I/O Pin Testing & Observing
In the Now On .io feed the link URL is:
which, of course, 404s...
I just came across the dildo project ( ). There isn't much that offends me personally, and this project doesn't. But ... With content like this, HaD will end up being a site I would/could never suggest young makers/students visit. Unfortunate.
Hello John,
We don't really censor members projects, especially when they are essentially harmless, but do understand that it's not what everyone wants to see especially if you are browsing the site with kids or at work. With this in mind, we are going to implement a not-safe-for-work filter, but it's not ready yet.
We do want to encourage the next generation of hackers and tinkerers, so we are please that you want to share with younger makers/students. However, the site is not intended for children, so please use your best judgement when deciding to share. I'm sure you've noticed, sex toys aside, there are other projects on the site which are actually dangerous, some with instructions (guns, cannons, fire, plasma etc.).
We do want to grow the community to have a health diversity, and are really pleased to see projects like yours on Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback.
I know you don't want any more input on this (why can't we all just get along?), but as a huge fan of freedom of speech and the marketplace of ideas, I feel the need to pipe up...
- as you know, the occurrence of this type of project is *extremely* rare.
- unless a parental figure has been inappropriate toward a child, or they saw this on TV (which again points back to the parent), they shouldn't even know what that item is.
- it seems the victorian era never ended over here - and what's worse is the bottomless pit of hypocrisy that people like mr. schuch like to laddle from. sex is natural, and in and of itself is not evil...killing people in phony wars is.
Thank you for being logical and having a censorship-free point of view.
I won't be trolled. And you should look up the definition of "hypocrisy".
Thanks for the reply Jasmine, a NFSW filter would surely be a good idea.
I know you folks are short on staff and long ideas, but maybe something for the 'someday file' would be the opposite of an NSFW tag. Something indicating a project is totally appropriate for the newest of newcomers to the community. Granted, subjective assessments are always problematic, but I would think a basic metric could be worked out. You said "We do want to encourage the next generation of hackers and tinkerers". Yes, Yes you should. :-)
- with all the laser pointer advertisements I lost track which I've already reported, would be cool to have a "you've already done that" hint
- the menu button doesn't work on the message page (but I guess you know that already)
Hey Dave, It should already say that you've reported them and not let you do it again. I hadn't noticed the menu button not working on the mobile message page. I'll put in a ticket for that. Thanks.
i guess i was too lazy to press the link to see this :D sorry. Thank you for the reply :)
it even stands there - maybe I was blinded seeing all those lasers.
same here Dave - the laser mfgrs are firing at us big time.
I think it does it for comments, profiles, and project reporting; but if you notice it doesn't, do let me know. Cheers.
If I think of it I will post this comment next time I see one.
[this comment has been deleted]
Hey Alex, we're working to make better for mobile, and there will be more possibilities with the API coming out soon. A mobile app would be great though. Thanks.
Would be cool to have something like "email notification off" for group conversations - may also be global and not for each separately.
Hey Dave,
We're working on the ability to separately disable notifications for group conversation. It should be live next week.
A few things, that may have already been covered.
I can't read messages on my phone web browser (chrome) everything overlaps. Not sure if this is a layout issue, or just my phone.
I recently noticed that full resolution images are used and then scaled in browser. I usually have a poor connection, so some pages are taking a while to load. Can you scale on the server side (if only to one set resolution)?
Lastly, i use the global feed, and noticed a lot of spam accounts for meds, hotels and possibly non existent products, can you add a flag button?
Thanks H :)
There is a "report as inappropriate" link on the left bottom on most of the pages. Weird findings.
Bug: When I replace an image in a build log, the operation deletes the 1st character of the post text.
To reproduce: Make a build log with text and an inline image and save. Edit the build log. Select the image and press "delete" - the cursor deletes the image, jumps to the beginning of the text block, deletes the 1st character of text, then jumps back to where the image was.
(I sometimes edit my build log images locally and then go to replace the published one. Deleting the existing image prior to uploading the new one triggers the bug.)
hey, I just tried to post an update to my project from my iPhone, but I couldn't edit the first line because the buttons overflow onto the text area (plus wysiwyg editors just seem to break on iPhone) it just looks like a dIv with clear: both; would fix it, maybe!
Here's a picture:
Hello Matt, thanks for letting us know and adding the image. It's very useful! I'll add a ticket.
no problem. Let me know when they get around to it and I'll check it out if you'd like.
How come the number of eyeballs shows up for certain projects, and not for the ones we put up? At least, for me anyway, I don't have that eyeball icon that I see other projects have, and I can't find how to activate it in the upper right corner of profile, project, updates, etc.
I mentioned this a few months ago; the views counter doesn't seem to update very frequently. The current iteration must be a month or so old.
I know there was a discussion about increasing the view update frequency--is this still going to happen?
Hey guys,
Sorry about that. This is still done offline in order to scrub fake views, multiple refreshes from the same user etc. We're working on a semi-realtime version, but it keeps dropping from the queue :) Hopefully should be in soon.
@David Nghiem - we show view counts only on projects that have been seen by more than 50 (unique) users. We have just run an update and all of your projects are in. This one has 2.2k user views!
@Aleksandar Bradic - so does this mean 2.2k unique users have seen it? Do "nonmembers" count, too?
Hey Dave! Yep, that's unique "visitors," so it includes non-signed up users as well.
Thanks for the info! I guess view count is a bit more complicated than I thought.. :-)
hey @Aleksandar Bradic, when was the last time this was updated? My project has just less than 500 views, and it hasn't been updated in 3-4 weeks from what I remember.
The tab key should be ignored by the editor if control, alt, win, or command are held down.
Additionally, is is really necessary to have indentation in comments?
I've raised a ticket about the tab key. I've pm'd you about the indentation in comments. Thanks!
Images that exist both as a project image and as part of a project log should not show up separately in the gallery view.
Hey alpha_ninja, there are a few tweaks we need to make to how the gallery/project page images work together. We've got this noted, thanks for raising it. However, for the time being you can remove the duplicate from the project page images.
Search is down right now, anything I type comes up with a blank page
Thanks for letting us know. It should be resolved soon.
A few things that I thought that would be nice/helpful are the ability to insert a link between others on a project page, and the hackaday skull for one of the link markers (github/other/etc..), and when clicking on the followers link on a profile and sorting by newest, it would be cool if it sorted by the newest followers instead of the newest profiles.
I'm having trouble embedding image links into log updates. I only get the 'broken image' thumbnail. The only wait for me to put images into the logs is by reducing file size below 2MB and uploading to hackaday. Using Chrome v41.
Hmm, we do have a 2MB upload limit, so there should have been an error message when you tried to upload something bigger. You didn't get one?
Sorry maybe I'm not being clear. The issue only happens when I try to insert the image as a link, like from imgur. It works fine by uploading the images, but I have to go through to process of reducing file size below 2MB. It would be nice to be able to use image hosting websites and link images instead.
I just posted a test log to my project so you can see my issue. It's the newest log.
Thanks for clarifying and for the example.
I just tried from imgur and am getting the same broken image, but if I just use a regular image it seems to work ok. tbh, I don't know if we support image links from imgur. I'll check.
What do you mean by regular image? And any update on using image hosting websites?
In the example you sent the url for the image is
If it ends with .jpg, .gif, or .png, it should embed e.g.
So you should be able to use any hosted images as long as they have an image file suffix.
Will we be able to put links in the description in the same way we can in the details section?
As it is, we can put links in both places, but in the description we can't link a word. It would save me from putting citations in the bottom like this. [1]
[1[ http://example..
Hey TTN, the description is meant to be short and plain text. This is because it could potentially be used when shared on social media, or pulled out on the search results page. So no, we are not intending to add this link text or editor capability to the description. Hope that explains a little.
I think that when I clicked on my PM button it made the number of new items in the feed disappear. I will pay better attention next time.
That is what happened. Also if I am on the PM page and receive a message everything works properly, but if I click off of the page the new message counter counts the message that I received while on the page.
Hey jlbrian, we are still fine tuning the new messaging. We'll use this feedback when we make more improvements. Thanks!
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I'd recommend you using different `name`s for the sign up, delete account, and change password views. Due to autofill, the current state could confuse users, cause them to accidentally delete their account or allow someone to easily change their password.