
Raspberry Alarm Upgrade

In this Project, my 20 years old alarm system gets an upgrade, email and SMS warnings replace the old phone calling notification.

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My house is fitted with a 20 years old alarm system. Unfortunately the phone warning system isn't working with our new internet provider. I thought that it was worth upgrading instead of replacing the whole setup. For that I designed a Raspberry pi "hat" with all the interfaces and components I needed.

Project definition

Even though the alarm system is pretty old, its design is hacker friendly. The motherboard has a 12V power output that can be used for future extension cards. This is the power output I used. When something is detected, the siren is triggered by an output and the voltage drops from 12V to 0V.This is very convenient for my project !

The system must be able to notify me in any conditions, for that reason I wanted three warning types:

-Email : Even if I don't have my phone I can get notifications on my laptop

-SMS : The most convenient way to notify someone

-Call : At night my laptop and my smartphone are turned off, the only communication available is my fixed-line phone

Interfaces and Components

The first type of notification is easily doable with Python on the Raspberry pi. The two others will be handled by a GSM modem.

For the modem I used a SIM900 : a popular component with a great online community support.

I needed two power supplies, 5V for the Raspberry pi and 4V for the GSM module. I used two TI PTN78000W series because they have a high efficiency and great output current.

The last and more important interface is the siren trigger. I used optocouplers to step down the voltage to 3.3v and protect the Raspberry pi.

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi B+
  • 1 × Sim900
  • 2 × PTN78020 Power Management ICs / Power Supply Modules

  • New board soldered and code available

    Brieuc du Maugouër06/28/2015 at 20:06 0 comments

    I got some time to solder the board and push some code. I haven't fully tested the board yet. It appears that you cannot power the raspberry pi 2 from the GPIO header, thus the board might not be 100% compatible with it.

  • New PCBs just arrived

    Brieuc du Maugouër06/19/2015 at 09:23 0 comments

    I received this morning the new version of the PCB from China. If this version doesn't have errors, I will release all the design files.

  • New version coming soon !

    Brieuc du Maugouër06/16/2015 at 14:43 0 comments

    Just graduated !! Aside from looking for a job, I'll have some time to update this project and release hardware design files as well as software !! Stay tuned !

  • Brieuc :

    Brieuc du Maugouër01/25/2015 at 01:39 1 comment


    Done :

    The warning system is implemented and working

    To do :

    Correct software bugs

    Troubleshoot the battery voltage monitoring

    Upload code examples

    Upload PCB schematics and layout

    New PCB

    - add capacitors next to the Module

    -change the SIM card slot location (the sma connector is blocking the slot)

    -new battery watching interface

    -improve component placement

View all 4 project logs

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