
My bridge thing

A project log for PIC MCUs Based Homebrew Computer

The goal: to make a working computer, with a keyboard input, LCD Display output, a compiler and to have fun all the way. NEWBIE ALERT

davedave 08/20/2015 at 19:052 Comments

Just a quick update. Summer is a busy time for me, especially this one, but I did manage to create a thing that I call a bridge between the ''utility board'' and ''the CPU part''.

hope you guys/gals like it.

On-board programming:


Stefan-Xp wrote 08/21/2015 at 07:24 point

Wow nice built :)

I like the look of crafted PCBs ;)

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Eric Hertz wrote 08/21/2015 at 00:21 point
now it's starting

 to *look* like a computer :)

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