Ongoing Progress
08/18/2018 at 16:24 • 0 commentsWow, 7 months. Need to update more.
In that time there have been a few updates. A pair of swapped pins on the original footprint, optimized/cleaned-ipup layout, and the addition of three resistors to the ADC pin means the breakout is far more robust than before. I have been using it for a few network sensors around the apartment now and am quite satisfied with the revised design.
All that remains is to do some final cleanup and documentation in the EAGLE design and post it.
First Prototype
01/24/2018 at 19:06 • 0 commentsThe first prototype PCBs came in last week, and the parts came in yesterday. So of course I get my stuff together and I solder one up (note to self: get a proper soldering iron).
Worked.. not great. Turns out, GPIO15 should be tied to ground and not VCC. Whoops. Thankfully fixing that in the prototype was as easy as desoldering one of the 10k resistors and shorting GPIO15 to ground with a solder bridge. Already got the schematic and board corrected for the next run on this board.
Not sure I like the ADC pin on the board. Might try to fit in some unpopulated resistor pads to make it more flexible.