Electronics assembly day
02/15/2015 at 19:11 • 0 commentsYay! The electronics is assembled and somewhat tested.
Here are all the parts:
It took most part of the evening to make all the wires, connect it together and correct the mistakes, but in the end, it looks like this:
The "connectivity board" sits on top of msp430 controller board and it really is just a board with soldered connectors on it, connected with wires to appropriate pins. I think that making connectivity board is really important, because directly soldered wires are very hard to modify or even check, compared to connectors.
3.3V Charge pump
02/12/2015 at 01:27 • 0 commentsI hate etching. No, really, it is boring. But anyway, today was etch-and-solder day. BROVER needs some good old 3.3V for msp430 which will be controlling the engines, so I took MAX1759 and made a basic board for it:
The only problem left with this dc-dc buck-boost converter is that it needs 0.33uF capacitor for its buck-boosting needs, but I only have 0.22uF, so here is the result:
Which is a 200mV bump, which is not good. Will have to look for 0.33uF again.
Charging batteries for future mission!
02/11/2015 at 00:53 • 0 commentsCharging 3800 mAh lithiums with 1A takes like ALOT of time. The charger boards are adafruit mcp73833 breakouts/chargers.
Drive wheel
02/11/2015 at 00:49 • 1 commentFront wheel is powered with a "9g" servo upgraded to run continuously.
The idea is to rotate this whole thing with another servo mounted on top for steering. Will need some testing on that :)