
Open Ground Penetrating Radar

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gallerytuning wrote 08/13/2024 at 12:54 point

Hello, I wanted to design and build an FMCW ground penetrating radar. I would be grateful if you could share with me the challenges you faced in this project.

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FMoralesLdG wrote 02/08/2024 at 10:37 point

Hi, I need also the files of this gpr project for my school graduation project. Please, would you be so kind as to send me the files of this project?. Thank you very much to those who are interested. - Francisco

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eakar74 wrote 12/17/2022 at 12:46 point

hello, I need the files of this gpr project for my school graduation project. Could you please send me the files of this project. Thank you very much to those who are interested.

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insigniaume wrote 12/10/2021 at 16:21 point

hola, estoy interesado en el proyecto, puedes mandarme más info? Muchas gracias

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martens.lem wrote 03/24/2018 at 13:36 point

It seems to be a very interesting  proyect. Could you give more info ?

thanks in advance

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Don porter wrote 02/17/2017 at 18:26 point is unavailable.????

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gaby10 wrote 07/05/2016 at 16:19 point

and the rest of schematics? and de conections? this not help :-(

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sebiblaurq wrote 02/08/2018 at 16:03 point

I think it too. Please

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GAretz wrote 08/29/2015 at 08:29 point


i am not understand from where comes the Trg In.

Please help

many thanks the oldman

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moaz2025 wrote 02/22/2016 at 15:46 point

looks like no one is here to help . useless people

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