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Teensy LC (option #1 paddock node)
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ESP-201 ESP8266 (option #2 paddock node - demand wifi enabled)
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Raspberry Pi (per central node)
There will eventually be 2 of these
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Carambola2 OpenWRT module (per Linux paddock node)
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SX1276 LoRa module radio (1 per module)
There will be eventually be one of these per module when the system is deployed
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PCF8591 i2c ADC (per module)
Semiconductors and Integrated Circuits / Misc. Semiconductors and Integrated Circuits
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DS18B20 1-wire waterproof temperature (per module)
Sensors / Temperature, Thermal
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BMP180 temperature / barometer (per module)
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Arduino Nano or similar, or ATtiny85 module for the rain guage
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Resistors, capacitors, switches, wire, voltage regulators, etc
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DS2482S i2c to 1-wire (for ESP8266 modules)
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GUVA-S12SD UV sensor (per module)
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DHT-11 humidity sensor
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ATtiny85 / digispark for pulse counting
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Enclosures, pipe, cable ties, gaffa tape, screws, etc.
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Solar Panel
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SLA battery and charge controller with USB power out
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Wind speed and direction sensor such as https://www.sparkfun.com/products/8942
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Custom built 915 MHz Yagi antennas
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Circuit boards as per github repository
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PC with Ubuntu Server 14.04 with docker