There are several components:
- Drum, augmented with unwired sensors and actuators
- Drum coupling, with hollow section for water inlet & exhaust, and positioning elements
- Motor, motor controller & belt drive
- A-frame
- Control unit & wireless
This will be a mains or 12V powered unit depending on the kind of motor available.
To avoid slip rings, we are looking at a system like the wireless mobile charging systems, where the drum will intermittently rotate to a 'charge' position and charge the internal sensor and acutator harness. The sensors mounted on the drum will communicate with BLE to the control unit to save power.
There will be a simple lid on the side for adding waste material & ejecting compost
Hey I just found this... Joined hackaday with the whole intention of putting my compost up... there are some similarities between your prototype and my design though I don't have things like a gas sensor. I do measure moisture and humidity and have it turn and water automatically but there are things I am still finishing out or working on. Cool ideas!