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BMP180 - Barometric Pressure Sensor
Part of the environmental sensors, both pressure and temperature.
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BH1750 - Ambient Light Sensor
Part of te environmental sensors, light in Lux
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DS3231 - Realtime Clock - Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator
A ready made module from eBay. Advantages over the DS1307 are voltage, accuracy and alarms.
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Servo's - Regular
Regular servo's to open the flaps.
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Solar Panel 10W or 20W
It would be great to make the greenhouse outside autonomous. A simple 10 or 20 Watt panel could charge a battery and drive electronics.
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6V Submersible Pump
A small pump from eBay capable of transporting water. Part of the irrigation/feeding system
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Rubber hose 3M
Rubber hose that can be used as irrigation hose.
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Plant sensors
Sensors that can sense the humidity of the plants (should be 6 items).
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Drive Electronics
2 Power MOSFETs to switch pumps.
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approx. 200gr of Polymorph to create custom plastic components.
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IKEA Socker Greenhouse + 8 pots + seeds + earth
A very cheap greenhouse for urban gardening. Available in Holland, but probably in other countries as well.
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Raspberry Pi Model A + SD + Supply + Wifi + Supply
The most Basic version of the Raspberry Pi with the necessary components. The Raspberry Pi will serve as a gateway for the greenhouse
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Still experimenting with the different launchpads to power the greenhouse's internals.
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NRF24L01+ dongle
Approx $1.60 on eBay, these modules are dirt cheap and provide just enough range to put the greenhouse outside and the gateway inside.